Samples of The Magical Elven Love Letters by The Silver Elves
you are interested in reading more of our Magical Elven Love Letters,
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Love Letters, Volume 1, 2 and 3, now available on Amazon, with
a compilation of hundreds of letters we have sent to our otherkin
since 1979. We hope you enjoy our letters and we invite you to email
us at any time. You are welcome to reproduce these letters on your
site as long as you give us due credit. Also,
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where we have continued to publish articles on Elven Lifestyle and
the Elven Way.
of Magic
22, 2011
it be nice
Dear kin,
if there were actually schools of magic like Hogwarts in
the world or Brakebills, the college for magical education in Lev
Grossmans wonderful novel The Magicians? Well, there are,
of course, not always formal ones (though there are those as well)
but if you look out of the corner of your eye in the same way one
catches a glimpse of Faerie, or perhaps, in this case, if you look
out of the corner of your mind you may just see that schools of
magic abound. They are all around us, hidden within every other
school and college that exists. And, naturally, there is that greatest
school of magic of all, the one we call Life.
All of life comes from The Magic and thus, to the mind of the elfin,
the magician, the witch, the sorcerer, the enchanter, et al, every
experience in life is a lesson in magic. This, perhaps, can be most
easily seen in that basic principle of cause and effect. For what
is magic by the intentional and willful causing of an effect? Everything
we do and all we encounter are lessons in how to obtain our will
in the world, and for elfin magic particularly, but all magic really,
this begins with mastering our own selves.
Yet, if we each look at our own lives and history we will find that
all our schools, our elementary schools, our middle schools, high
schools and colleges, all were secret schools of magic, however,
they might have appeared on the surface. Take one of our number,
Zardoa, for instance. When he was in elementary school, he went
to a school very much like Hogwarts. He lived there, away from his
parents and family, eight and a half months a year, coming home
for Thanksgiving, Clausmys, Ostara egg week and summer. While there
were no girls there, he did live in a dormitory, in a large old
brick building out in the country. The school was run by witches,
well, they called themselves Benedictine nuns but, they were witches
and not unlike the Bene Gesserit of the Dune novels. They called
it a military school, but upon reflection we think of it as a school
for Warlocks. Our definition of warlock being different from the
traditional one that has warlock meaning betrayer or traitor. To
these elves, a warlock is especially trained for magical combat
and more significantly to put a lock on war, to prevent
dark spells from taking effect.
In our own case, we home-schooled our children in what we called,
Elf School. A school that along with reading, writing, arithmetic
and geography, taught spell casting, grammarye and various other
types of magic. Our son, being of a heroic and adventurous disposition,
also belonged to, and earned various badges in, Elf Scouts, and
our daughter was an initiated witch by the time she was 5 yrs old.
Ultimately though, magical education is not dependent upon books
or classrooms or other educational paraphernalia, but upon meeting
those individuals who are truly magical. Their energy is contagious
and while we can learn quite a bit by studying them, we tend to
learn so much more, just by knowing them. There are those who think
we elfin are touched, and it is true, we have been touched by magic
and it was a true education.
The Silver Elves
January 31, 2011
Dear kin,
is, of course, a dark spell, designed to suck ones
energy to the point where one feels powerless to create a counter
spell, in fact, think it worthless to do so. And yet, how can one
have a realistic and reasonable view of the world and its current
conditions and tendencies and not feel depressed? When one realizes
that the whole world is ruled by magic, one suddenly becomes aware
that what is really being asked is how can one, when looking upon
the wicked conjurations that are strangling this world, not succumb
to the dark tentacles that draw one into them? And there, naturally,
is the answer, for as soon as one fully cognizes that the condition
of the world is due to wicked, clogged, stagnate, and misspelled
magic, one comes to understand as well that the solution to this
situation is clarity of ones mind, purpose and magic.
Alas, if you tell someone who is bound up in a depression spell
that positive thinking would go a long way to overcoming it, that
a positive attitude is, at least in part, the solution to hir problem,
SHe will merely stare at you as though you are crazily out of touch
with reality, give you numerous excuses why this suggestion or that
wouldnt/couldnt work for them or even, in some circumstances
rage at you like a lunatic about how insane you are to think there
is any means that will overcome hir difficulties. And, honestly,
there is truth in that. The spell has it claws too deep into their
soul and cannot be come at directly. Ultimately, it is their own
inner magic that will pull them out of it, or failing that, they
will have to wait for another lifetime to avail a fresh opportunity
to do so. One can only in these cases maintain ones own inner
calm and not let the spells that have bound them, affect ones
own self, sending to the individual a healing and unraveling
spell that will, unfortunately, in most cases take a long time to
unravel the darkness that entraps the individual and then only when
that person is truly ready for it to do so.
The opposite of the Depressives are those individuals who attempt
to use main force, the pure might of their will, to overcome those
dark spells. They are often charismatic, or attempt to be, their
smiles and good cheer, while powerful spells that fool many folk,
seem false to elves, for we see through their feeble magics and
know that when they encounter obstacles, those who dont instantly
admire them, or go along with them, a frustrated anger will come
raging out, that was concealed beneath their supposed positive outlook
all along. They, of course, dismiss the Depressives, out of hand,
deeming them worthless to even be bothered with.
In truth, these elves, and nearly everyone else, much prefer these
magicians and their false cheer to being with Depressives, for even
if their magic doesnt quite ring true as yet, at least they
are trying. Although one must ever be careful of these who think
that those that are not with them are against them, and they will
very quickly seek to strike back at what they perceive of as the
offense of not praising them sufficiently.
Which brings us back to the question, how can one live in this world
filled with misery and madness (dark magics) and not be affected
by it? And the answer is, one cannot, for we cannot affect what
does not affect us. To change the magic of this world, we must take
it within ourselves without being overwhelmed by it, sort
out its threads, and reweave them according to the vision that lives
in every elfs heart. We need be positive, optimistic, and
good naturedly cheerful without being false and this we can only
do when we have faith in our own magic and in the power of The Magic.
Most of all, we need be genuine, for genuineness, above all things,
finds response in the world and is one of most powerful of magics.
Zet Ton Na Tarsalunin Sol (Running wild on a moonlit night),
The Silver Elves
5, 2010
elves and otherkin in this modern world, or postmodern world if
you wish to view it that way, feel overwhelmed and powerless. We
are, quite a many of us, alone and separated. Most of us have neither
wealth nor social status, fame nor worldly power. The mere fact
that we admit being other relegates us to a category
of society, best described as loony. That is, naturally, a dark
magic spell used by traditional society to enact peer pressure to
discourage anyone from straying too far from their accepted norms
and mores. We are dealt with in the same way that TV shows and movies
deal with people who suddenly converge on any place where they think
UFOs have been sighted, portraying them for the most part
as irrational wackos.
Because we are elves, we naturally both recognize and ignore such
dark and limiting spells. And it is our strength to do so, to refuse
to submit to the peer pressure of the society around us that in
many ways most defines us as elves and other. We frankly dont
care what they think, we dont care what they think of us,
and we are somewhat in doubt whether most of them actually think
for themselves at all. For some of the most common sayings for raising
children in their societies, is children should be seen and
not heard, and shut up, dont argue, and do what
youre told, and their command of the power of reason
goes no further than, because I told you so.
However, though we ignore such bullying, that doesnt mean
it doesnt take its toll on us. We miss Elfin desperately.
We miss our loving kin and we miss a world where people are rational,
reasonable and kind. We live in this world, seemingly powerless
to do much about the various problems that confront it, from Global
Climate Change, to Poverty, potential mass epidemics and a chance
that in the not too distant future these gun toting, hate filled,
screaming morons who shout down anyone who tries to reason with
them and are so eager to bring the apocalypse, might just get what
they want.
You might think that if there really were a loving God in the Universe
SHe might give power to we elfin instead of those, who while paying
Hir lip service really worship those dark and wicked gods
to whom they offer blood sacrifice on a daily basis and who proclaim
that sex, other than for procreation, is evil and pornographic.
But this is the material world
Dear kindreth,
that most dark of places; their natural habitation and it
is truly we who are the visitors here, we who have come to transform
it, not with force and violence, but with magic. For that is the
truth of it. We have no powers in this world but these, really,
the powers of magic. The powers of love, intelligence, creativity,
reason, kindness, enchantment and all the other powers of magic,
which are our inheritance and birthright. Would you really have
it any other way?
Though it seems otherwise, we are not at all powerless in this world.
We possess that greatest power of all
the miraculous. Use
your magic, beloved. Be your magic and you will see that amidst
the darkness a new light is rising.
Tae Lodver (Touch the truth),
The Silver Elves
Dont Have to Be an Elf, To Be an Elf
27, 2010
We elves are incredibly loyal individuals
Beloved elfkind,
and this virtue of loyalty is very important to us. We are
utterly trustworthy and we expect in turn that our others, friends,
lovers, companions and kindred will be equally trustworthy. We have
a saying, You dont have to be an elf to be an elf; but
you must be a true elf to be a truly an elf.
This seemingly paradoxical statement begins to make sense when you
realize that in our Elfin languages the word for elf and the one
for friend or even lover are sometimes used interchangeably. Thus
this statement may be translated: You dont have to be an elf
to be a friend to the elves, but you have to be a true friend to
your others if you are to consider yourself truly an elf.
Alas, once someone betrays our trust, it is hard to regain it. This
is not to say that we wont forgive the individual. We are,
in fact, a very forgiving folk and generally have a compassionate
understanding of the psychological complexes and compulsions that
drive individuals to betray those to whom they should be faithful.
But it is unlikely that we would ever trust them again, and while
they would probably never notice the difference in our treatment
of them, we would be ever aware that we are dealing with a dog
that bites.
Some might think that this refers to our romantic and sexual relationships,
that if you cheat on us, we will feel betrayed, but that is only
true within the boundaries of each relationship. Elves are, in general,
very liberal about sexuality and our marriages come
in a variety of forms. Loyalty within them depends upon the agreements
among those involved. Since many elves are polyamorous by nature
cheating as it is defined in normal society often does
not exist as an idea among us. Again, it all depends upon the elves
involved and the commitments they have made to each other.
To us, loyalty in terms of friendship is more important than sexual
fidelity. Lovers may come and go (particularly when we are young)
but a friend should be a friend forever. If you lose the friendship
of an elf, youve lost nearly everything, for luck will part
from you, and grace. And while one may pray to dark gods for help
in those dire straits, the heavens know that those fickle beings
cannot be depended upon.
It is not that we will enact our revenge upon you, well, the Unseelie
might, but we of the Seelie who Court will do nothing
more than withdraw our trust and that is like losing the best friends
one ever had. What could be worse than that? And it is not that
we dont wish them well, for we do, knowing that eventually
all magic returns to its sender. Its just that we know that
going forth into the world they will attract others just as disloyal
as they, for where can one ever find friends as true and loyal as
the elves.
The Silver Elves
31, 2010
is not
Dearest Kindlings,
that there are not charismatic elves among us. In fact, nearly
all elves can be noted as having a certain charm or charisma. It
is part of our nature, even if, it is true, we have learned to hide
this power in order to move unseen among mankind and others. Nor
is it that we lack leaders. There are many elves with leadership
ability, although, the word leader does not translate quite the
same in elven. In Elvish languages, leader is more akin to Initiator,
that is one who gets things going, rather than one who is in charge
or who organizes things.
No, what we seem to lack is the capacity that so many seem to have
to be ditto heads, smiling, grinning monkeys who mimic
and parrot whatever their leader tells them. We are somehow by nature
constitutionally unfit to be followers. We tend to think for ourselves
and we always, albeit politely usually, question authority. It is
not that we cannot cooperate. In fact, if truth be told and we have
sworn to do so, we are better at cooperating voluntarily than nearly
any other peoples, it is just that we are, in our way, each leaders/initiators,
and when we combine our powers we do it not because we do not know
how to function on our own, but because we delight in creating greater
things together.
On the other hand, we elves tend to be learners more than teachers.
Even when we teach we are learning and so the somewhat
strict hierarchy that exists among some folks between students and
instructors, is not found among us. In the elfin mind, we are all
learning together, always
in all ways. We are lifelong students,
lifetime after lifetime; and one of the things these elves have
learned is to embrace learning; learning all we can, whenever we
There are some folks who think these elves wise, or least thats
what they have told us, and we admit that we continually aspire
toward wisdom. And if indeed we do have some wisdom, perhaps our
greatest wisdom is to not hide our ignorance and our tendency, when
confronted with those who know more, or better, or clearer then
we, to accept their greater knowledge eagerly. There is an old elven
saying (that we just made up) that goes: Theres no shame in
ignorance, only in refusing to learn.
This is not to say that we change our opinions simply because someone,
even a very impressive or charismatic someone, disagrees with us.
However, we do give genuine consideration to any and all opposing
views and if we find that these alternate or opposing views are
valid in whole or part, we quite easily transform our own views
to incorporate this new and greater understanding. In that way,
we continually learn and make all things worthy our own.
Some folks think we are full of it, and they may be
right. But what is this it we are full of? Is it worthless
refuse that should be discarded? Or fertilizer that one can use
to enrich hir own life and learning? Each must decide for hir own
self, for we are elves, and thats what we do.
Ver Aleli Vasadas (In dreams awakening),
The Silver Elves
24, 2010
It is important to understand
Dear Elfin Kin,
that nothing we say in these letters is absolute. The absolute
Truth is The Magic, which is to say Infinite Potentiality. Everything
is possible and we do not mean to limit ourselves or you with
the words we cast here, but rather simply to share our observations
of our dear elfin as we experience and encounter them in this time.
That being said, there seems to be something incongruous about the
idea of organized elves. In fact the term Elven Organization is
nearly an oxymoron. It is not so much that we are incapable of organizing
anything, although for these elves that is pretty close to the truth,
but that, organizing elves is like herding cats. Although
we call it: organizing elves.
This is in part why our great gatherings tend to be spontaneous.
Certainly there are small gatherings that have been organized that
occur now and again, but the great gatherings of elves seem to occur
as if by chance when our artistic, creative natures draw groups
of us together in a particular time and place. That these gatherings
seldom last beyond a few years, sometimes as much as a decade is
simply to say that we elves are as elusive as the wind and as ephemeral
as starlight.
We also tend, when we gather, to attract all sorts of others at
the same time. Not just elves, but faeries, pixies, dwarves, brownies,
gnomes and all manner of others, light and dark elfin and then eventually
the greedies sensing money making opportunities come and others
yet, until there are so many of them that we elves eventually drift
away, disappearing as we appeared, unexpectedly and unplanned.
Despite this seemingly natural resistance to being organized (And
please understand that we are not necessarily consciously opposed
to being organized. In fact, we often wish we had a manager to interface
between the world and us. We could really use one.), we elves have
a curious affinity and sensitivity to each other that makes us rather
like a flock of birds in flight or a herd of deer who mysteriously
turn and change direction simultaneously.
So it is that the inner and near constant hunger for union and companionship
that most elves feel, draws us toward each other, yet, for some
mysterious reason, most of our attempts at organizing gatherings
and communities succeed in but small gains. But this, dear kin,
is merely to say that the Time of the Great Faerie Circle has not
yet arrived. When that Time nears our Attractors/Enchanters/ Organizers
will emerge from among us, and draw us together just as water tends
to run to the sea. We will all hear, or really sense their call,
and instinctively respond.
Until then, trust your desire for union, keep your eyes bright and
eager, your heart tender and kind, and your mind open and free.
And when that need gets strong enough, The Magic will take note
and will guide you to your Intended or they to you. When that meeting
comes you will remember how lucky you are to be an elf and how Magic
does truly rule the Universe.
The Silver Elves
May 26, 2010
might think
Beloved Elfin,
and many do, that the greatest problem in manifesting Elfin
in the world is dealing with the various peoples who inhabit it.
Those who read Tolkien might be led to believe that we have an ongoing
feud with the Dwarves and that they would be a problem for us. But,
if that was ever the case, it has long since passed for most. In
Norse mythology the dwarves are referred to as Dokkalfar or dark
elfin (which is not to say that all dark elves are dwarves), but
they have also been referred to as the Dwarrow Elves or Barrow Elves
(a name that also refers to Hobbits, Gnomes, etc.), which shows
that the dwarves are actually our ancient cousins and these elves,
at least, have always gotten along very well with the dwarves we
have known (but then we do strive to get along with everyone.
Some might think that the Greedies are a problem for us, but in
truth, while they do create terrible problems in the world at times,
these difficulties effect everyone, not simply the elves and truly,
the Greedies look at everyone as though SHe were a bank account,
and dont care what anyone calls hirself, or what hir
religion, race, etc. might be, as long as the individual has money
to spend. Otherwise, the person might as well be dead as far as
the Greedies are concerned, which is why when they lose their own
wealth they often commit suicide. Better dead than poor,
is a Greedie motto.
The Grimlean, of course, hate everyone who is different from them,
who follows a different religion or different political party, is
of a different race or nationality. But they particularly hate other
tribes of Grims who dont share their views, so while they
hate the elves in the general course of things, they dont
particularly notice us. Still, they keep the world filled with terrorists
of various stripes and extremist nut jobs of various persuasions,
and that is not a good thing.
On the other hand, the Violynts will prey on anyone they think weaker
than them and they particular despise anyone that they think thinks
they are better than them (did you follow that?). The easiest way
of dealing with the Violynts is to avoid them whenever possible,
never reveal weakness to them and always treat them with respect
(they are desperate for respect). Of course, it is the policy of
these elves to treat everyone with respect no matter who they might
The normal folk, of course, often scorn us or think us crazy, but
then we are not so very sure they are not insane, they nearly always
are neurotic and while their treatment of us is irritating to some
elves, its really an inconvenience and nothing more.
No, dear kin, the people who are the greatest obstacle to us manifesting
Elfin on the Earth, if we are to be honest with ourselves
and be magicians that we are, are ourselves. We could this
very day, this very hour, set ourselves to creating Elfin
on Earth, but, alas, we are not mature enough, not magically developed
enough, to do so. We still suffer, most of us, from being raised
among normal folk, which has made us unwilling to yield, for the
most part, for mutual benefit. We are still unable to give up our
tendency to argue about nearly everything, our urge to be in charge,
and our desires to go this way, that way and the other way, all
at the same time. We are still uncertain about who we truly are
and cling to our false ideas of self as though they would
save us.
Of course, if we had a charismatic leader, we would yield all that,
give up our egos and at last apply ourselves to a life of
service and frasority (brotherhood/sisterhood). Or would we? The
truth is charismatic leaders hate us. We are not followers and this
fact is always, even if unspoken, a challenge to their authority.
Naturally, their slavering minions despise us even more, for we
challenge without a word the truth of their devotion. And yet, without
such leaders, how will we ever come together in a lasting and enduring
way? Normals cant even imagine the possibility. Thats
why they always write about us as having Kings and Queens. They
cant quite conceive the cooperative anarchy that rules a true
elven tribe/clan/family, etc.
Do not despair, dear ones. The truth is that our time has not yet
come. There have been great gatherings of us in the past, and there
will be again. It need not be forced. In fact, cannot really be
forced at all produce all we wish to come true. We are like puzzle
pieces, each of us unique. We fit together in precise ways, each
with their own place. To force a piece in the wrong place is to
distort the picture we are trying to create.
It is true that there are some Master pieces, which like Wild Cards,
can fit together with nearly any other piece. And yes, these elves
are Master pieces, and perhaps in time, all elves will be masterpieces,
fitting together easily, anywhere and creating something truly wondrous
called Elfin.
But in the meantime, worry not, direct your magic to becoming the
unique and special elf you know yourself to be. That is your
right, your responsibility, and your destiny. In the gentle time,
have faith. Time and The Magic, will take care of the rest. For
when you truly become yourself, you will find that automatically,
magically, you have become a Masterpiece.
Lovur Tae Lan (Dancing toward the dawn),
The Silver Elves

of the Magical Elven Love Letters
enjoy reading through the Magical
Elven Love Letters Archives
24, 2008. These are the letters we have posted monthly on this web
site since we first reached the shores of Paradise. To enjoy our
Magical Elven Love Letters prior to November 2008, and going back
to our first letters in 1979, see Sample
Our Books.