to Paradise
24, 2008
to Paradise, they say, and it is indeed paradise here, these
Blessed Islands in the Uttermost West. However, it is a paradise
under assault from modern civilization
dear kin,
with construction going on constantly.
Once, the entire Earth was paradise to the elves. If you were to
ask, where was the Garden of Eden, wed reply, Look around
you, for thats where it was, everywhere. Man wasnt
cast from the Garden of Eden, he cut down the Trees of Life and
Knowledge, tore up the Garden, and paved over it. Now there are
high rises where the Trees used to grow.
This is not to say that we elves are opposed to modern civilization.
On the contrary, we are very much in favor of civilization and will
greet it with open arms if ever it arrives. But that civilization
must be one that is in harmony with Nature, or it will not last,
and must nurture and empower all the people, or it will not be worth
living in (and not truly be a civilization at all).
The current crisis that the world is facing, while it will prove
difficult and painful for most of us, is none the less in keeping
with the Prophecies which tell us it will not be until we have passed
2012 that we will really and truly see the growing dominance of
the new advanced race of beings that our magics have wrought.
It is true that this new elfin race has aroused fear in the hearts
of the Grim, the Greedies and the Violents, but that is to be expected.
Their world is ruled by fear and so it is only to be expected that
they fear the lost of power that is coming for them. It is also
true that they will do their best to destroy the world if they can,
for their motto is If we cant have it, no one can. However,
since this development was foretold thousands of year ago there
is every expectation that we will succeed in bringing in a new and
more wondrously Elfin world.
If it was up to us, this transition would be a totally peaceful
one, but then, if it had been up to us, it would have happened decades,
even millennia ago. So the fact that the GGV (grim, greedy and violent)
will oppose this new world with every ounce of hate and ignorance
they have left is only to be expected. And while they may succeed,
we think that is highly unlikely. Their numbers are waning even
as we write this, although, that is just another thing they refuse
to face.
Despair not, beloved, nor waste your time worrying about it. Set
your minds toward the future; and each day, with every thought,
word, and deed, create Elfin. And though some us will surely pass
from our bodies during this time, we will come again, as we have
before, drawn here by our vow to create Elfin on Earth. We will
be born into a new world where Love, not fear, rules, and each and
every one is allowed, nay encouraged, to express their own true
nature, a world filled with elves, and faeries and dwarves and all
manner of being in the process of becoming their own true selves,
however, they choose to define it, a world without rape, without
poverty, without war, without child abuse, without slavery, without
Oh, yes, you say we are dreamers. And this is true. We are dreaming
a New World into existence, for we are Elves, and that is what we
The Silver Elves