It Real
January 09, 2009
Looking down the valley from our eald
Dear kin,
we can see through the swaying palm trees, the ocean glittering
beneath the afternoon sun. Sometimes the wind comes howling though
the valley with such power that we can stretch out our hands and
capture it, like a dry sponge sucking in water, then send it forth
again, radiant with faerie light and blessings. We live in the Uttermost
West, on the islands of apples (pineapples) that the ancients called
Avalon and that we call Paradise.
Yet even here at the end of the Earth, where new land is spewed
forth everyday, we are not free from the dark spells that seek to
seize all of humanity and draw it down into the abyss of destruction.
The spells of hate and prejudice, greed and unthinking consumption
of the worlds resources until the apocalypse that the wicked
so hunger for, cannot help but take place. Everyday we creep closer
to the time when the final battle of this Age will take place and
it will be decided whether we will, like Mu and Atlantis before
us, go down in flames and fury, or rise to new and greater heights
of civilization.
Many of our kindred look ever for the StarGates through which we
may escape this mad world and step into Elfin and we quite understand
that desire. However, we say to you that the way to Elfin is within
and if you do not find it within yourself, you will always
find it without you, but never recognize it at all. By transforming
our selves, by an incredible act of perceptual magic, we begin
to see the truth of life, that Elfin lives in potential everywhere
about us and it is not to be found elsewhere, so much as to be created
As we live our lives as elves, manifesting Elfin in the world through
our own being, the dark spell lifts and we begin to see the realization
of the possibility that exists all around us. Elves and faeries,
gnomes and all manner of otherkin are all about, camouflaged beneath
a protective veneer of normalcy. Every being inwardly hungers to
be free to be hir own true self, to shake off the shackles
of enculturation, and to feel accepted for being who sHe truly is.
Our courage to be our own true selves encourages our others
to do the same. This is a profound act of magic that, while seeming
insignificant to many, has the power to help change and save the
Still, sitting by our lanai (porch) each morning drinking our coffee
and listening to a thousand birds chirp delightedly, we cannot help
but realize how very lucky we are to live in paradise, in Elfin
Truly Manifest Upon the Earth the future calls out from the ancient
past, saying its all possible, the magic is real, come forward
into the radiant light of your own being.
At the same time, we know from experience that paradise stems not
just from the place we are in the world but the place we are within
our own selves. Each of us has the power to transform the
world around us, wherever we find ourselves, through the power
of our perception. Some people will argue that we are living in
a fantasy world created by our minds and we will not argue with
that. However, we would add that it is a fantasy world created not
merely by our minds, but made real by our lives. We live our lives
as elves and thus are elves in the world. And really, doesnt
the world very desperately need elves right now? Be your own elf
and magic will radiate from your being subtly transforming all you
encounter. It may not be obvious at first, but it will be reality.
A reality youve created with magic, the magic of your very
own elfin being.
(We love you),
The Silver Elves