Sampling The Silver Elves Books on Magic and Enchantment and The Elven

of our Silver Elves books are presented below in seven categories:
Books on Elven Oracles, Books on Elven Magic, Books on Developing
One's Own Personal Elven Myth, Books on Elven Philosophy, Books on
Elven Language, Books of Elven Poetry and Fiction, and Books for Living
the Elven Lifestyle. We have devoted an entire web page for each of
our books. This way you will have a chance to not only order our books,
but also view a sample of their contents and read what otherkin have
said about them. Please click on the links below to view each book
and find order information.
55+ of our books are available on all international Amazon websites
including the US, Europe, Canada, and Australia (scroll to bottom
of this page to see links to our Silver Elves author page on some
of these sites), as well as most of our books are also available on
The Book Depository (which ships free internationally to many countries
including Australia). Your favorite hometown bookstores may order
all of our books through Ingram or their preferred wholesaler.
are many books below to choose from and the order in which you read
our books is up to you, but if you would like a suggestion, you may
wish to begin with one or more of these four books:
1. Through The Mists Of Faerie: A Magical Guide to the Wisdom Teachings
of the Ancient Elven
2. The Elven Way:
Magical Path of the Shining Ones
3. The Book
of Elven Runes: A Passage Into Faerie
4. The Book of Elven Magick: The
Philosophy and Enchantments of the Seelie Elves
If you have questions about the Elven Way and being an elf, then
you may also wish to read The
Magical Realms of Elfin: Answers to Questions About Being an Elf and
Following the Elven Path.
If you are curious about elves and want to learn more about modern
elves, then you will surely find The Magical Realms of Elfin
to contain many
of your questions answered and it will be a great comfort and help
in finding your way home to the magical realms of Elfin.
we have just published The
Complete Dictionary of Arvyndase: The Elven Language of The Silver
is an English to Arvyndase, and Arvyndase to English dictionary for
those who would like to use this language. There are over 30,000 words
in the language of Arvyndase and in this dictionary, as Arvyndase
is a complete language and may be both written and spoken as such.
Beginning March 2019, we Silver Elves have begun running out of space
on our website and so all our newest released books will now be found
on our Wordpress blog site here on a page titled Magical Books of
the Silver Elves. From this page you will find links to each new
book, as each will also have its own page on the blog with information
about the book, a table of contents, and excerpts. The first books
to be featured here are: ELF TRIBES: The Silver Elves Guide
for Finding Your Magical Kind and Kin and its companion book FAERIE,
FAE AND OTHERKIN: The Silver Elves Guide for Finding Your Magical
Kind and Kin.
do continue to enjoy reading about our 45 The Silver Elves books published
prior to March 2019 that are listed below and featured on this website:
Elves Books on Our Original Elven Oracles
Book of Elven Runes: A Passage Into Faerie
We have reprinted our original rune oracle and key to a passage into
Elven Book of Powers: Using the Tarot for Magical Wish Fulfillment
those who wish to use the Tarot for visualization and wish fulfillment.
It describes the powers of each particular card in a traditional Tarot
deck and how to use its powers, with incantations, evocations and
rhyming spells.
Voice of Faerie: Making Any Tarot Deck Into an Elven Oracle
The Voice of Faerie is designed to allow the user to communicate
with the Realms and Spirits of Faerie/Elfin/Elfland, the spirits of
the Nether Realms, sentient and intelligent beings of this and other
planets, this and other dimensions, this world and the parallel worlds
connected to it, using any tarot deck.
Elven Book of Changes: A Magical Interpretation of the I Ching
A magical interpretation of the I Ching or Book of Changes,
and is for magicians, elves, and magic wielders of all kinds.
Elven Book of Dreams: A Magical Oracle of Faerie
This book contains 360 magical dream symbols that are interpreted
for use as an oracle for elfin magicians, witches, and other magic
folk. There are also over 300 poetic rhyming spells contained in the
book to be used for magical enchantments, incantations, and rituals.
The Elven Star Oracle: A System of
Divination for Star Enchanters
This book is an original divinatory system created by the Silver
Elves invoking the 88 major constellations and the blessings of the
Shining Ones for guiding one through the world and ever closer to
the realization of Faerie.
Elven Geomancy: An Ancient
Oracle of the Elfin Peoples for Divination and Spell Casting
GEOMANCY is an original system of divination by The Silver Elves that
creates a magical ritual with each forecast and also a means of creating
magical elfin spells to help bring about one's wishes. The Silver
Elves have created a new divination system for modern elves and faerie
folk that draws from the ancient geomancy of ages past.
and Stones, Feathers, Charms and Bones: An Original Oracle of the
Elfin Peoples of the Ancient Future
is another of our original Elven divination systems that we
have created to be used by Elfae and all other interested diviners.
It uses the ten Sacred Magical Treasures of The Silver Elves as a
Elves Books on Elven Magic
An Elfin Book of Spirits: Evoking the
Beneficient Power of Faerie
A book for magicians filled with spirit familiars and allies.
Book of Elven Magick: The Philosophy and Enchantments of the Seelie
This book explores the Elven viewpoint concerning
magick and the world, and traditional spiritual and religious myths.
It covers the tools of magic and gives magical ceremonies that may
be adapted for use by modern elves. magicians. and faerie.
Book of Elven Magick: The Philosophy and Enchantments of the Seelie
Elves, Volume 2
"The book of Elven Magick, Volume 2" continues
the progression of the color magics and proceeds on into the nature
and establishment of the Elven Vortex/Coven, and our theories on calling
the directions/dimensions.
Shining Ones:
The Elfin Spirits That Guide You According to Your Birth Date And
The Evolutionary Lessons They Offer
If you wish to further you relationship with those High Elven spirits
who have gone before us, this book will help show you the way.
Elements of Elven Magic: A New View of Calling the Elementals Based
Upon the Periodic Table of Elements
A book to use for summoning and evoking elements to help you
in your life and magic.
Taking a new look at the idea of the elements and the elementals,
the Silver Elves have once again merged the reality of Science, which
is Nature, and Occult tradition and have introduced the elements of
Earth, Fire, Air and Water into the modern age of the Periodic Table
of Elements.
Keys to Elfin Enchantment:
Mastery of the Faerie Light Through the Portals of Manifestation
Abook of enchantment, for enchanters, revealing the Keys to Enchantment,
the true and greatest magic of the elfin folk. It is filled with the
philosophy of the elves and how they encounter and subtly transform
the world wielding and fulfilling its dreams and desires while guiding
it toward a better and more elfin future.
Miracles In the Modern World: The Way Of the Elfin Thaumaturge
is a book of Elfin Thaumaturgy, of miracle working and wonder creation,
although for these elves we much prefer the idea of wonder working
and creation to the idea of miracles. We love wonders. We love creating
them; we love encountering them. This simple tome will explore the
means by which we may do so.
One's Personal Elven Myth and Elven Psychology
True Tales of Magic from the Lives of the Silver Elves
Eldafaryn (Elf Haven) contains a series of vignettes
from the lives of the Silver Elves describing their lives, their magic,
their philosophy, and thier unique view of the world.
Elven Tree of Life Eternal: A Magical Quest for the True S'Elf
The Elven Tree of Life Eternal is set up like
a choose your own adventure book for those who wish to undertake the
challenge to discover their true magical s'elves.
the Personal Myth: Making the Magic of Faerie Real in One's Own Life
the Personal Myth is written by Zardoa Silverstar of the
Silver Elves. It is a unique narrative about a psychological depth
study of the magic of living ones personal myth, in effect,
making ones dream and vision of ones self come true by
living it. It is a personal guide to becoming ones true self
as one inwardly knows ones self to be.
Psychology: Understanding the Elfin Psyche and the Evolutionary and
Esoteric Purpose of Mental Disorders
Elven Psychology
is written from a unique elven perspective about the present day human
condition, which includes an exploration of the psyché of both
normal folk and elfae.
We explain in Elven Psychology why from a standard psychological
point of view that believing you are an elf does not in itself constitute
a disorder even in traditional psychology, and then we go much further
and explore the disorders and psychological struggles that we observe
in our modern society in both normal folk and elves/otherkin, along
with the spiritual purposes of disorders and new perspectives for
Tribes: The Silver Elves Guide for Finding Your Magical Kind
and Kin
150 beautiful narratives of tribes of our elven kindred who participated
in the What Kind of Elf or Otherkin Survey.
Fae and Otherkin: The Silver Elves Guide for Finding Your Magical
Kind and Kin
150 beautiful narratives of tribes of our faerie, fae and otherkin
kindred (this includes tribes of dragons, unicorns, faeries, fauns,
animal kin, otherworldlies and many more fae who participated in the
What Kind of Elf or Otherkin Survey.
Elves Books on Elven Philosophy
The Mists Of Faerie: A Magical Guide to the Wisdom Teachings of the
Ancient Elven
Through The Mists Of Faerie is about
High Elven Magic. Not the magic of chants and spells and ceremonies,
of which we've already written quite a bit, but of the Quest to become
like those kindred of ours who we, and others, call the Shining Ones.
Elven Way: The Magical Path of the Shining Ones
Elven Way describes the Mystical, Magical, Spiritual Path of
the Elf folk and their connection to the Shining Ones, those supra-dimensional
beings who are our guides, guardians, ancient kindred and the source
of our enlightenment.
Magical Elven Love Letters Volume 1, 2, & 3
Thesethree books are filled with the letters written and circulated
beginning in 1979 by the Silver Elves, to encourage elves to awaken
to their Elfin nature, to be true to their individual destiny, and
to embrace their starry heritage. They are filled with Elven Philosophy
of Magic and they observe the world from the point of view of the
Elves, which is often quite unique from how most people view and experience
the world. You
do not have to read volume 1 to enjoy volume 2 or 3, so be sure and
visit all three book links on this page before making a selection.
Books of Correspondence Between The Silver Elves
and the Founders of The Elf Queen's Daughters, four volumes
of these 4 books are a collection of letters with dominate themes
of sorcery, the Manu, the Shinning One who is the inspiration for
the evolution of humanity in this age, Esoteric Buddhisim, Elven magic
and culture, Tolkien, the supra-dimensional and necromancy.
Aelph: Words of Guidance from the Silver Elves to our Magical Children
Liber Aelph is a message from the Silver Elves
to their magical children, grandchildren, childrens childrens
children and those who come after, including their own selves
in future lifetimes. It is a guideline for awakening elves to follow
as they proceed into the future and the Age of Faerie to come.
Magic Mail: Book 1,
The Original Letters of The Elf Queens Daughters With Commentary
by The Silver Elves
book is the first volume containing the original letters of the Elf
Queen's Daughters (EQD)a Frasority of Elves founded in the 1970sand
were contributed by the founders of the EQD, Arwen and Elanor. The
commentaries on each letter are written by the Silver Elves. We know
you will enjoy reading these magical letters as much as we do and
find the path of the Elven Way beautiful and enchanting.
Magic Mail Book 2,
The Original Letters of The Elf Queens Daughters With Commentary
by The Silver Elves
book is the second volume containing the original letters of the Elf
Queen's Daughters (EQD)a Frasority of Elves founded in the 1970sand
were contributed by the founders of the EQD, Arwen and Elanor. The
commentaries on each letter are written by the Silver Elves.
is a particularly important book because it contains an image of the
original drawing of the seven pointed elven star as first drawn and
adopted by the founders of the EQD. Many of the letters are about
the philosophy and meaning of the adoption of this star that has now
been used world wide as the elven-faerie star.
Unfolding: The Cosmic Expression of the Divine Magic
It is an advanced book of elven philosophy concerning The Silver Elves
views on the nature of the Divine and its expression and manifestation
into the world as seen from those cultures that are most connected
to and historically expressive of Elven Culture.
Silver Elves Books on Elven Language
(Silverspeech): A Short Course in the Magical Language of the Silver
Arvyndase language was created primarily to use with magic so elfin
magicians, wizards, enchanters, sorcerers and other magic wielders
could create and chant their spells in a magical language.
Complete Dictionary of Arvyndase: The Elven Language of The Silver
is an English to Arvyndase, and Arvyndase to English dictionary for
those who would like to use this language. There are over 30,000 words
in the language of Arvyndase and in this dictionary, as Arvyndase
is a complete language and may be both written and spoken as such.
Book of Elf Names:
5,600 Elven Names to use for Magic, Game Playing, Inspiration, Naming
One's Self
and One's Child, and as Words in the Elven Language of the Silver
this book we present 5600 elf names (along with their pronounciation
and English translation) from our Arvyndase language as inspiration
for those who wish to create their own elven names .
Silver Elves Books on Elven Poetry
and Fiction
Silver: The Irreverent Faery Tales of Zardoa Silverstar
are a collection of short stories by Zardoa Silverstar, one of the
Silver Elves. You will find within this book a western, a detective
story, parodies of popular movie and television characters, and re-imaginings
of traditional fairy tales all told from an elven point of view in
Zardoas wry irreverent pixie style.
By An Elfin Breeze: The Poems of Zardoa Silverstar
collection of poems and songs writen by Zardoa Silverstar over the
past 35 years.
Elven Game of Rhymes : Book Two of the Magical Poems of Zardoa Silverstar
is book two of the poems of Zardoa Silverstar. Most of these poems
in this current volume were inspired by the ancient Elven Poetry Game
that Zardoa Silverstar created.
Elves of Lyndarys: A Magical Tale of Modern Faerie Folk
The Elves of Lyndarys is an often humorous novel about a young
mans struggle to mature and develop himself, his magic and his
identity as he encounters and explores the modern pagan and otherkin
communities and happens to encounter real elves, slowly coming to
realize as he does so that he may not be a man at all but one of the
Elves Books for
Inspiration on Living the Elven Lifestyle
An Elf Would Do: A Magical Guide to the Manners and Etiquette of the
Faerie Folk
book is a sly, often tongue in cheek view of how elves see and interact
with the world of the Normal folk as well as with Otherkind of all
sorts of kindred.
Elf Folks' Book of Cookery: Recipes For a Delighted Tongue, a Healthy
Body and a Magical Life
Quotes: A Collection of Over 1000 Ancient Elven Sayings and Wise Elfin
Koans by the Silver Elves.
Elves Say: A Collection of Over 1000 Ancient Elven Sayings and Wise
Elfin Koans by The Silver Elves, Volume 2
This is the second book in the Elf Quotes Book Series, which
contains The Silver Elves' own original elfin koans, ancient elven
sayings, and their other quotes of wisdom on the Elven Way.
The United States of Elfin: Imagining a More
Elven Style of Government
would an Elven government and society actually look like in our modern
world? And how may we, in
seeking to go about creating such realms, do so.
Magical Realms of Elfin: Answers to Questions About Being an Elf and
Following the Elven Path
A thorough and easy-to-read resource to explore the many questions
people have asked the Silver Elves through the four decades they have
have been living the Elven Way, questions about who the modern elves
are and about the Elven Way or elven spiritual path past, present
and future.

you can find all the 55+ 'The Silver Elves' books on The Elven Way
on our author Amazon international pages here
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