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The United States of Elfin
Imagining a More Elven Style of Government

The Silver Elves have often said that Faerie and Elfin are states of being and consciousness, states of sentient awareness much more than physical places upon the Earth. Elfin exists wherever elves exist, wherever individuals who live the Elven Way abide, wherever those who call to Faerie and hear its Call may be. Yet, it is clear that there are many who would love for there to be a physical dimension upon the Earth that is Faerie, a true Elfland where the elfin may go and be free to live their lives as they deem fit, in love, enchantment and fairness. Thus in this book The Silver Elves seek to define what sort of government might rule in such lands and even more so what laws, cultural and social tendencies might foster such a world. What, in fact, would an Elven government and society actually look like? And how may we, in seeking to go about creating such realms,
do so?




We dedicate this book to all those who strive to create a better, fairer world to manifest elfin upon Earth.

“Elfin stands like a beacon,
calling the kindred home,
in the midst of a raging sea.”
—The Silver Elves

We thank John Towers for his review on Goodreads:

"A delightful book, particularly at this time when some really crazy politics are happening in our world! The United States of Elfin relates how governments work and could work best and is based on the Thirteen Treasures of the Ancient Britons as a guideline of ideas. These treasures are similar to the four treasures of the Irish Faerie Folk, Tuatha De Danaan. I particularly liked how the authors related in simple language how the varieties of government work and what does not work and why....


And we also thank Alice Hopkins for her review on Goodreads:

"I’ve never been much of a political science student, but I thought since I love the books on magic by the Silver Elves that I would try their new book on elven government. And I am so glad that I did because it is based on spiritual principles that they show us are needed in the formation of good and effective government, with clearly a unique elven perspective. Excellent for students of government and everyone interested in having the history and application of the different forms of government."


And to Brenda on Goodreads who wrote:

I have never read a book on governing that is as beautifully laid out politically and yet speaks to the spiritual side of life. An excellent book for picturing in your mind just how we could have a government that would serve all people. Highly recommend!

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Sample pages from The United States of Elven

First few pages of Chapter One:


"We Silver Elves have often said that Faerie and Elfin are states of being and consciousness, states of sentient awareness much more than physical places upon the Earth. Elfin exists wherever elves exist, wherever individuals who live the Elven Way abide, wherever those who call to Faerie and hear its Call may be. Yet, it is clear that there are many who would love for there to be a physical dimension upon the Earth that is Faerie, a true Elfland where the elfin may go and be free to live their lives as they deem fit, in love, enchantment and fairness. Thus in this book we seek to define what sort of government might rule in such lands and even more so what laws, cultural and social tendencies might foster such a world. What, in fact, would an Elven government and society actually look like? And how may we, in seeking to go about creating such realms, do so?

There are many governments in the world and they tend to be unique in their own way and greatly affected by the people that come within their purview. Yet despite their individuality due to cultural traditions and history, governments do seem to fall into some basic categories, which sometimes overlap and, as we said, are often made somewhat unique by the individuals that formulate them. Governments and religious philosophies are most often adapted to the people who adopt them. Their traditions, prejudices and other tendencies become incorporated into their institutions and the institutions are changed just as much by the people who evoke them as, or more, than the people are changed by their government and religions. There is a relationship between a people and their elected or appointed (usually self appointed), or inherited rulers, generally, or such a relationship gradually develops (as for instance when the Normans conquered and became the rulers of Anglo-Saxon England and in time becoming, more or less, one people). It is a marriage of sorts.

There are really two general types of government. There are totalitarian governments, which all stem ultimately from the Gang, Warlord or Military modes of organization where there are no limits upon the individuals in charge who may do and act as they please and compel all others to do the same, which is to say force them to do as the ruler pleases not necessarily, and infrequently, as the ruler does. Force is the key to this style of government and it is only restrained by greater force. Its motto is Might Makes Right. And there are limited governments, which is to say governments in which the leaders are constrained by constitutions and laws and which, ideally, derive their power from the people who are governed. These governments are essentially an evolution of the totalitarian form of government.

There is also, of course, anarchy, which is no government at all, a situation of chaos which is the most basic form of the organization of Nature and which, as we’ve pointed out in other of our books, leads inevitably to the instigation of hierarchies and thus to the ascension of Warlord/totalitarian governments, the rule of the strong over the weak. It is in this sense that the lion is called the king of the jungle and by which humans beings are currently supposed to be the alpha predators and dominant species on the Earth. The viruses are actually at the top of the food chain but most humans have yet to clue into this fact preferring to live in illusion than face what is the obvious truth. They prey on us regularly. We are a great food source for them but we barely know how to fight them. Even if mankind and other kind should succeed in bringing about his own doom and the doom of most other species on the Earth, the viruses would persist for they are more resilient and adaptable than most humans and thus more intelligent. Of course, if humans do succeed in bringing about the Apocalypse the viruses would probably miss us, just as some folks would miss steak if they could no longer have it.

Anarchy, however, in its most advanced, perfected and idealized form denotes a state in which individuals are so developed spiritually and soulfully that they do not need laws to dictate acceptable and legal behavior and may do as they please with the understanding that they are not harming or imposing upon others. This is similar to the Wiccan Rede: Harm None and Do What You Wilt. There are some, such as Buffie Johnson (see Lady of the Beasts) who theorize that this sort of egalitarian social organization existed among humanity during the Paleolithic and Neolithic periods (although we expect that if you really wished to understand those periods you could do far worse than study the social hierarchies and organization among apes, monkeys and chimpanzees, etc. that exist in the wild today). Individuals on such a high level of spiritual development naturally tend to cooperate for the benefit of all. In a certain sense, this describes the realms of Faerie in their most evolved states and certainly Libertarianism, which promotes the idea set forth by Thomas Jefferson that a government that governs least, governs best, is a movement toward this goal, although it, like idealized anarchy itself, in the world as it currently exists, often seems naïve and even innocent in its way and thus impractical thus leading to conflict and this brings us around again toward the warlord mentality.

We can see this mentality easily all about us. It functions in gangs, the mafia and other criminal groups. It can be found in the military with its top down leadership where the soldiers are trained to obey without question, but also in corporations, schools and nearly every other form of business. Even in democracies/republics and constitutional monarchies, the boss versus worker style of organization is the primary structure of nearly every organization including the family. Sometimes these are very primitive as in totalitarian governments that are run by what is called the “strong man” to organizations where the public votes for their particular boss/leader as is the case in most democracies/republics. We may see that this evolution from unlimited and chaotic anarchy to unlimited totalitarianism to limited government also denotes the evolution of civilization.

Still, hierarchal structure is the basis for nearly all organizations and this includes religious organizations, which are often founded by a charismatic leader and evolve into structural hierarchies. The warlord is also often a charismatic leader although generally, but not always, religions, particularly in their beginnings, rely more upon charisma and belief as a powers than outright force. The force they use is more psychological (the fear of hell: eternal torture, and damnation: perpetual loss of pleasure and privilege) than physical but as history demonstrates they are not beyond using military force to subdue those who don’t immediately bow down to them and unquestioningly accept the doctrines they present as absolute truth.

As mentioned, these basic forms of government have various mixtures and sub-forms. Some of the more common subcategories of government are the following. As pure or perhaps impure/chaotic anarchy leads to totalitarianism and the warlord form of government, that form more often than not is in the style of an Oligarchy or basic Dictatorship. While the warlord may be the supreme leader, he must have under bosses, as they say in the mob, who support his/her rule (although usually it is a “he”, although notice that bees have a Queen). These individuals form a small elite group who function to keep the warlord in power or topple him if they are dissatisfied with his rule. If, indeed, they are powerful enough to do so.

These individuals not only acquire absolute power in a dictatorship but also from that obtain great wealth. Even in monarchies, constitutional and otherwise, and even in democracies/republics, these wealthy individuals tend to strive to draw the mass of wealth and power to themselves and to control the laws in such a way as to favor their own interests and the further accumulation of wealth and power most often by controlling the leaders through bribery. This is also the case in Communist countries that supposedly are formed to spread the wealth among the working classes and yet still the wealthy tend in time to gain control over the reins of government and move ever to increase their own wealth and power. This is not to say that all wealthy individuals seek only their own advantage. This is not the case. The nature of the world is not strictly a matter of class struggle and to think so is to fail to understand the true nature of history and reality. To view things in that way is to lack comprehension of the intricacies of life and the fact that it is often the enlightened and compassionate wealthy who have through time strived to uplift the poor and disadvantaged and have promoted democracies/republics around the world. This is the spirit that animates the wealthy and the noble of Elfin, to uplift all our people and promote fairness and opportunity for all beings. This is an energy that crosses the arbitrary boundaries of class and social status and sees the essential and potential equality in all creatures.
The Warlord mentality eventually evolves into the Monarchy in which the warlord, now duke or king, is supported by the aristocracy composed of the wealthy Oligarchs. In early times, much like modern criminal organizations, each strong man was replaced by another strong man who kills him to obtain his position, wealth and power. This was formalized in ancient cultures in a ritualized sacrifice of the old and weak king and the inception of the new king who would in time be sacrificed when his own potency had diminished (see Frazer The Golden Bough). This was particularly so because the life, potency and power of the king was associated with the success of the people and the fecundity of the land.

In time, however, kings and their followers sought to stabilize the passing on of authority and did this through the establishment of bloodlines and the institutionalization of noble families. Still, despite that fact, if a ruler was weak it was likely that another of his bloodline or a related bloodline (another oligarch family) would overthrow and replace him. Shakespeare’s Richard the Third is about just such a historical event. But history is filled with such examples. Genghis Khan had to kill members of his own family to obtain and retain his power, too. Still, for the most part, only those of supposed royal blood, which is to say families that had been part of the oligarchy and the family of the original warlords, thus of supposed royal blood, could participate in these contests of cunning, conspiracy, murder and privilege.

Democracies and Communism would in time change all that as the common folk were gradually uplifted and empowered to enter into this game through revolution.
Most stories about elves and faeries, both ancient and modern, picture our cultures as being monarchies. In old stories this is probably due to the fact that the writers themselves lived in monarchies or constitutional monarchies. In modern stories, this may have much to do with the reality that most writers of today base their ideas of elves upon ancient faery lore and tales rather than conceiving our culture in new ways. In some cases, these faerie worlds are pictured as benevolent monarchies; in others they are less so. Quite often there is a conflict between the various elven realms such as in Kingdoms of Elfin by Sylvia Townsend Warner, although this would not rate as one of our favorite books. But also frequently these conflicts reflect the ancient ideas of the conflict and war between the Winter and Summer Courts of Faerie, the ancient strife between the Holly King (Alferian Gwydion MacLir in his book Wandlore suggests this should be Holly Queen and we are quite inclined to agree with him) and the Oak King and between the Unseelie and Seelie Faerie courts. The number of books that represent Elfin Faerie as monarchies are too numerous to mention here, however, some of our favorites are Marie Brennan’s Onyx Court series. But this tendency can also be seen in Melissa Mar’s faerie books, Holly Black’s wonderful faerie novels, Emma Bull’s great War for the Oaks and even in some of the Dresden Files novels.

There is no reason, however, to suppose that elfin faerie societies are strictly monarchal, or that even if that had been so in the past that they would necessarily be so in the present or the future. Elven and Faerie folk, more than any other group, tend to promote evolution and change, adaptability and transformation as key elements of our culture. Nor should we suppose that every society of elves would necessarily organize thems’elves in the same fashion. We can expect variation and variety among the elfae (elves and faerie folk) even more than we can among normal humans since we tend to be unique and eccentric as individuals and that eccentricity is reflected in our families, governments and social organizations......

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Last updated: january 28, 2018