book is dedicated to our mother Faith Loveless, who always encouraged
Zardoa's writing.
thank our elven sister Carrie Skinner for having this to say about
The Elves of Lyndarys:
"Fantastic Story of Modern Day Elves
I just finished this book and I must tell you that it was a sheer
delight! I have been looking for a book like this for some time. The
story line flowed well and the language was wonderfully modern while
keeping a touch of the poetic/magic on the edges. As I read I immersed
myself in the reality of the adventures(as I always do, whether the
story be real or fantasy) which take place in the modern world but
just a touch into another dimension. Its kind of a coming of
age elf story. I found myself in the place of Vandreyl at times, asking
questions and trying to figure things out. But at others I became
Myloryn, the mother hen caring for her chicks. But it was Zaradon
that I invariably ended up snuggling up with at the end of the day,
taking in all his wisdom given with his contagious sense of humor
and easy going ways.
There are many magical and practical teachings throughout the book
that students of the esoteric will appreciate and just down right
good advice for living in a peaceful and loving way. I will be recommending
this book to my faerie/elven friends. We are always looking for stories
that resonate with our own brand of reality and this book does that
extremely well. I would recommend this book to anyone interested in
a modern day story of finding Elfland and all the magic and freedom
that a place like this can have. Fans of The Lord of the Rings may
also like this as it treats Tolkiens Middle Earth as a real
place and mentions its characters often. But do keep in mind there
is some sexual situations in the book so it is not for children. A
sequel would be a wonderful thing indeed!"
And we
thank Carol Stewart for her comments on Goodreads:
" The Elves of Lyndarys is very much like Carlos Castaneda
for Otherkin and faerie folk. Once I started reading, it kept me intrigued
enough to read it through the night and I look forward to the Silver
Elves' next book."
And from
our elvin kin, James Jones on Goodreads writes:
"In a nutshell, I absolutely loved this book.
With that said, a couple of caveats. If you like dystopian horror,
this is not the book for you. If any type of wish fulfillment sets
your teeth on edge, best to stay away. If you are under 18 then you
might need to wait a bit(the authors go sexual in the middle).
However, if you want a crazy journey through the possibly real and
the maybe unreal then this is the book for you. The characters were
interesting and the basic ideas(which I am guessing echo the philosophy
of the Silver Elves) are presented very well.
The book is written in the form of a journal written by Vandreyl,
the typical lost soul seeker trying to make his way in the world.
He finds the Elves of Lyndarys through their newsletters. From there
he ends up meeting someone who has been there and awesomeness ensues.
One point that was especially interesting for me is that they have
a barely fictionalized account of an event that I have gone to in
the past. They represented it fairly well and I look forward to "lending"
my copy to the tall blonde fellow."
We also
thank Toryndary for a wonderful review on Amazon:
Elves of Lyndarys was a very relaxing journey to me. It was as if,
at a family gathering, a nephew came to you and said : "You know
that after graduating, I took some time to see the world? Well, this
is what happened", and then gave you the story in this book,
in a very matter-of-factly way.
There is quite a story, binding you to the very last word; there are
the characters, ever growing and aptly painted; there is the humour
through even the most serious parts in the book; there are the teachings,
the comment on society as it is, some very convincing theses about
the how and why of homo-hating; it is too much to describe: you need
to read the book to get what it might be all about.
O, and there are Elves, with a very comforting presence.
Hennie (Toryndaryl)"
And we
thank Merlyn for his review on Amazon:
"Fantastic story, loads of things to learn from the new elf
and a little bit adult which kept me very interested. I am
rereading already as I want to remember all the content and great
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eligible for Amazon's free Super Saver Shipping (Amazon's deal to
ship you free if you purchase a total over $25 in a single or combined
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The Silver Elves
Book on Amazon US: https://www.amazon.com/Elves-Lyndarys-Magical-Modern-Faerie/dp/1505524539/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8
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Elves of Lyndarys: A Magical Tale of Modern Faerie Folk
page of Chapter 1 The Meeting
SHe gives way and they follow in the direction sHe chooses.
Hexagram #9 Yielding: the Power of the Wee Folk
from The Elven Book of Changes
is a question with me now, exactly where to begin or how to explain
how I came to meet them and be among them. For in certain ways, that
is a long story, the story of my life and not really of all that great
interest to any save myself and perhaps my mother. No, considering
my mother, not her either. Shed roll her eyes and tell me not
to dwell on the past. Mine is a story of longing and searching, episodes
of manic depression, failed relationships, usually the cause of the
manic-depression, and what seemed to be a never-ending and never to
be fulfilled inner hunger for meaning and purpose in my life. The
usual stuff. But even if my life before meeting the elves were a tale
most glorious and adventurous, which, in truth, it is not, it still
would not be entirely germane here. For it is of them I wish to speak
and how our paths came to cross. So I wont bore you, or me,
with most of the details of my life before them, but in as much as
possible and reasonable, cut to the chase.
I had been an archeology student. In fact, had been awarded a Master's
degree in that field, although I had done little with it except work
on a few digs here and there but could find no steady job in that
area. Perhaps it was my interest in ancient cultures that led me to
pursue studies as well of ancient myths, and simultaneously my love
of role playing games and cosplay and a tendency to always create
and play elven characters that awakened my interest in the ancient
tales of Faery Folk and of Faerie magic both in fiction and non-fiction.
And surely, the Lord of the Rings trilogy stoked this fire
heavily. I'm telling you all this so you'll know that I had a good
sense of the boundaries between fantasy and fact... have always been
of a logical and scientific bent and in pursuing this course sought
truth, not escape, or so I thought. For in the end, I'm not entirely
sure that I have not found both but perhaps again, neither.
A friend that I role-played with told me about the otherkin
community on the internet. These were people who apparently believed
they were elves or faeries or dragons or whatever. I know, it sounds
ridiculous and I'm not saying I believed they were such but only that
I accepted the fact that they might believe this and so I got a URL
from him and following the links began to investigate. A lot of them
were role-players like myself and many, many were cutesy flitter glitter
faerie types. But a number of them were quite serious and apart from
those, for many were seriously nuts, were some who were quite intelligent
and in fact, I found them very intriguing. One group in particular
I'd come across was somehow different. And here I must admit I'm at
a loss for words for I'm not precisely sure what about them attracted
me except to say, they almost made me feel like they could really
be the elves they claimed themselves to be, yet I cant explain
why that is so.
of Contents:
Chapter 1 The Meeting 7
Chapter 2The Choosing 15
Chapter 3 A Heart Awakened 23
Chapter 4 The Faridon 35
Chapter 5 The Shining Ones 53
Chapter 6 Wood Nymph 75
Chapter 7 Living in the Light 87
Chapter 8 Lake Faeries 97
Chapter 9 Dragons 105
Chapter 10 Pooka 115
Chapter 11 Daoine Sidhe 125
Chapter 12 Starlight 137
Chapter 13 Tuatha da Danaan 147
Chapter 14 The Dancing Master of Elfu 157
Chapter 15 Azalea 167
Chapter 16 Unicorns 179
Chapter 17 In the Desert 189
Chapter 18 Gargee 197
Chapter 19 Burning Candles 217
Chapter 20 Purification 243
Chapter 21 Shadows 269
Chapter 22 Revelations 289
Chapter 23 The Choice 305
Chapter 24 The Turning Point 315
About the Authors 335