The Way to Elfin is found on the path
That weaves through the Misty forest
That lives between the Mountain of Vision
And the River of Reality.
. . . .The Silver Elves
you dear Syndareyn for your wonderful review of our book on Amazon:
I could probably write a whole book about this book... But
I shall have to try and sort out the strongest impressions....
What amazes me the most is how it is like reading my very own thoughts
and words... It connects with my elven heart greatly, and works also
as a reminder and a confirmation that I am what I've always known
mys'elf to be.. If ever in doubt, these words will bring me back...
I was barely able to put the book down, and read it to the end in
a very short period of time.... And I say we are blessed to have The
Silver Elves among us, to inspire, encourage and give love, as many
of us probably need (I know I do). Also, They give the courage to
act with kindness and to believe in the own s'elf.. Now, that is very
There are so many wonderful letters in here, filled with magic, wisdoms,
love and understanding... And for me, there is so much that can be
learned... I could say something about each letter, but like I said,
I shall not be doing that here.... But I can say, that right now when
opening the book at a random page, I got to one talking about and
explaining what is going on in my life at this very moment... That
is truly magical...
They write it all in such magnificent ways, it is truly amazing..
Also, because of You, dear Silver Elves, I am evolving.. Well, what
can I say..? Thank You for this book, and for being there for me and
others.. You are wonderful.
We also
thank Nikolay Lyapanenko for his review on Goodreads, January 19,
"The Magical Elven Love Letters, Volume 1 is
one of the most magical, amazing, profound books in which it is closely
intertwined mystical elven philosophy, elven wisdom of antiquity and
in our days and wise instructions and appeals from the authors to
It inspires, it makes you fly and feel that you are not alone in this
world that there are those like you and soon in this world will come
the winds of change.
This book is a huge contribution, it's a gift, a treasure for all
the elven people!
From the first pages this book will win you over with its uniqueness
of presentation and the author's unique style. It will take your mind
somewhere far away, this will save you from loneliness. When I read
this book, it seemed to me that I communicate with my very close friend
who knows everything about me, who understands me and say you
are not alone in this world.
I had such a feeling like touching the Truth, which has long been
hidden and seemed distant and now approached...."
And thank
you dear Gail Avrill for your thoughts on our book on Goodreads:
This is one of the first books that I bought by the Silver
Elves and I will always cherish it as it gives you a glimpse of real
magic of these elves. Highly recommend!!
are happy to finally say that we have reprinted and you may now purchase
our Magical Elven Love Letters, Volume 1 on Amazon.com. The book is
priced at $16 and its purchase is eligible for Amazon's free Super
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Sample Letter From Page 122-123)
number 3-18. . . . ancient birthrights
The onslaught of Spring has brought dramatic changes to us, kindred,
and it is evident that the sundering and the choice so often spoken
of by the Sages is now in progress. Many would think that this is
brought about by the retreat of the Fair Folke from the world of Manunkind
but in truth the reason is quite the opposite. The Fair Folke retreat
no longer. It is clear to us that Now, for the first time in ages,
we are on the advance. With the establishment of Pan and the Rainbow
Dragon and their Eldritch Realm upon the westernmost edge of human
evolution, the Power of Faerie grows daily. And for the first time
in Aeons a passageway has been established Between the Worlds. With
the movement of each second the distance between Faerie Spirit and
Faerie Manifest grows smaller and more intimate.
We have come to claim our Ancient Birthright to the Earth, our Home
our Mother. Surely, the majority of folk have proven not only that
they do not love the Earth but that they are incompetent stewards
as well. Truly they wish only to use and abuse her for their own gain
and profit and are so malicious that they would rather destroy Her
utterly than to yield an inch of their possession.
We are equally determined to prevent this. But meanwhile they continue
to enforce their will through conflict and contention, the very aspects
that spell their Doom and delineate the degenerative aspects of their
nature. We confront them to their face as well as secretly, with Love,
Caring and Intelligence. We seek not their Destruction but their Transformation.
We can not help but love them, mad though they are, for we are their
children, their future and their Secret Dream of Paradise even though
they use their outmoded concepts of Reality to stand between us. While
many of our half kin may surely be seduced or intimidated into choosing
Man-unkinds proffered security (slavery to role identification)
over selfhood (independence and freedom) Time is on our side
and we will be creating our Elfin Paradise Forever so it will Last
for Eternity.
The Silver Elves
and patience achieve what haste and hurry delay."
Elfin Saying
Sample Letter From Page 39-41)
number 1-15. . . . a crystal is
a million stars united
It is our way to look within to our own spirits for the harmony and
peace from which the creative energy of the Great Mother Nature flows
outward to perceive a new world of unity. So it is through this inward
looking that we reflect in our words and actions clear vision of our
selves. Our vision mirrors in all directions to the world its
purest part
the self in All.
We, through the ages, have striven to obtain a clearer vision of our
selves. The world of conflicts remind us that we still have
far to go, a journey long, long, long it is
a journey to the
stars. A journey to the stars within us. We seek to transcend outer
conflict by turning within to our own selves. Our true selves,
our inner identity goes much deeper and yet is simpler far than the
encult*urated roles we play as we pass into and out of the worlds.
By seeking Elfin within ourselves and by striving to see the
elf that is in everyone we obtain a clearer vision of the life
we once knew
the unity of all.
We play the roles of society for the sake of preserving unity. Still
the archetypical forms with which we do identify are far from the
structured worlds of social standing and IQ ratings. No more of it.
We have come to dance and sing and listen to birds
ages long gone by enough to come again
come again.
ElÄn is for us not so much a place we can go, as a place we can be.
It is the energy we expend toward becoming more gentle and more loving...
the effort to evolve and develop our inner natures, our modesty and
adaptability and our unending purpose to respect and be fair to all
creatures whatsoever... these are the real steps to Elfin and it is
our wish that all the Elves might transform those steps into a dance
of love that will be to the children a bright and radiant mandala
whose center is the dawning of a gentle race.
ElÄn is open to all people whatsoever, yet it is equally true to say
that at the present time/space juncture there are very few who are
open to Elfin and thus they could never enter it. These Äne folk can
never even see the elves even when we are sharing a space/time. We,
by nature, strive for union
it is our way
with these folks
as with all. We share the air, the swaying of the trees, the song
of the bird
invisible magic vibrations emanate and we are all
the better for the experience and it lit the fire to the soul
who never knew its friend. It is not our purpose to impose elÄnness
upon anyone
an act impossible in its core and no true elf would
yet for those who are open, whose inner heart remembers
a tune half forgotten from long, long ago and far, far away, we move
ever deeper into the Faerielands. Come along, elves. It is a long
journey ahead but together it can be a great adventure. A new land,
a new life, a new people and a brighter day.
There comes a moment in each elf's life when standing on the border
of twilight that lies between the world of normal reality and the
elfin lands beyond
a realization comes of a sudden that the
twilight is fading and that they must move of their own into the faerielands
or remain in the world of the everyday. We are going, brothers and
sisters, into the elÄn realms and our hearts are alive with the memory
of ancient lifetimes when we were all together. Our minds remember
not but in our hearts dwell memories that cannot be obscured through
the aeons of life and death. As we watch you, standing on the border
hesitant, drifting, listening to the voice of the thousand misgivings,
the lies, the rationalizations, we sing to you gently: Remember
Remember long ago, or
was it only yesterday or
soon to be tomorrow. We are going and trust that our childrens
childrens children will emerge in the vibrational reality of
Arda reborn: a planet healed and paradise won.
The Silver Elves
Table of Contents:
letter number 1-1. . . .the tree people 14
letter number 1-2. . . . following the silver flame 15
letter number 1-3. . . . eldamar 17
letter number 1-4. . . . changelings 18
letter number 1-5. . . . priestess 20
letter number 1-6. . . . faerie 22
letter number 1-7. . . . moms 24
letter number 1-8. . . . perfect love and perfect trust 26
letter number 1-9. . . . arda reborn 28
letter number 1-10. . . . the dark ones dream 30
letter number 1-11. . . . kahuna: tribe of the laiquendi 32
letter number 1-12. . . . little dragon 34
letter number 1-13. . . . elda:star people 35
letter number 1-14. . . . luthien promethiel 36
letter number 1-15. . . . a crystal is 39
letter number 1-16. . . . terintari: queen of uranus 41
letter number 1-17. . . . live paradise now 42
letter number 1-18. . . . extra-terrestial 43
letter number 1-19. . . . vaire and adistari 43
letter number 1-19. . . . holding wonder 46
letter number 2-1. . . . a faery princess 49
Letter number 2-2. . . . ancient of days 51
letter number 2-3. . . . light and dark elves 53
letter number 2-4. . . . the temple of the scarlet veil 55
letter number 2-5. . . . magic dance of the faerie 56
letter number 2-6. . . . elf song 58
letter number 2-7. . . . the rainbow gathering 59
letter number 2-8. . . . the mysterious natural 60
letter number 2-9. . . . the little people 62
letter number 2-10. . . . the moons rainbow ring 63
letter number 2-11. . . . starmates 65
letter number 2-12. . . . paradox of perfection 66
letter number 2-13. . . . moonstruck 67
letter number 2-14. . . . age of the rebirth of fairie 68
letter number 2-15. . . . tymlere 70
letter number 2-16. . . . searching 72
letter number 2-17. . . . feast of jolly 73
letter number 2-18. . . . elf tarot 73
letter number 2-19. . . . eldritch power 75
letter number 2-20. . . . hearing the call 77
letter number 2-21. . . . live the dream 78
letter number 2-22. . . . shared auric Äeld 79
letter number 2-23. . . . magic candles 80
letter number 2-24. . . . salolÄel 81
letter number 2-25. . . . after the masked ball 84
letter number 2-26. . . . earth born star born 85
letter number 2-27. . . . magical powers 87
letter number 2-28. . . . on the wing 89
letter number 2-29. . . . seven sisters seven stars 91
letter number 2-30. . . . join the joy ride 92
letter number 2-31. . . . keeping the dream 93
letter number 2-32. . . . night of the seventh moon 94
letter number 2-33. . . . trueldon: eternal star kin 95
letter number 3-1. . . . together we are one 100
letter number 3-2. . . . natures child 101
letter number 3-3. . . . dont forget to turn hir on 102
letter number 3-4. . . . elf magic 103
letter number 3-6. . . . flower faeries of the wilderness 106
letter number 3-7. . . . modern elflin 107
letter number 3-8. . . . the dreamspace 108
letter number 3-9. . . . dance be free,
the world unite 109
letter number 3-10. . . . the santa clause 111
letter number 3-11. . . . psychic communication 112
letter number 3-12. . . . united by our differences 113
letter number 3-13. . . . elfin nature 115
letter number 3-14. . . . millenia madness 116
letter number 3-15. . . . a matter of time 118
letter number 3-16. . . . coming home 119
letter number 3-17. . . . ray of light 121
letter number 3-18. . . . ancient birthrights 122
letter number 3-19. . . . mendor: starmates 123
letter number 3-20. . . . the rainbow dragon 125
letter number 3-21. . . . elven parents 126
letter number 3-22. . . . shapeshifting masquerade 127
letter number 3-22. . . . we love you 128
letter number 3-23. . . . threads of magic 130
letter number 3-24. . . . the kiss eternal 131
letter number 3-25. . . . elf children all 132
letter number 3-26. . . . killing them with
letter number 3-28. . . . being an elf 136
letter number 3-29. . . . an eternal transformation 137
letter number 3-30. . . . coming together 139
letter number 3-31. . . . elves at play 140
letter number 3-32. . . . sex magic 141
letter number 3-33. . . . elven alien relations 143
letter number 3-34. . . . pheromones 143
letter number 3-35. . . . magical languages 145
letter number 3-36. . . . the solitary path 147
letter number 3-38. . . . elite 151
letter number 3-39. . . . come 153
letter number 3-40. . . . dressed for success 155
letter number 3-41. . . . born to be wild 156
letter number 3-42. . . . the art of dreaming 158
letter number 3-43 . . . . tarivar kinatuli:
genetics) 159
letter number 3-44. . . . flash from the past 161
letter number 3-45. . . . wylta eldanari maton 162
letter number 3-46. . . . tae alth jarti 164
letter number 3-47. . . . getting closer 166
letter number 3-48. . . . sanctuary earth 167
letter number 3-49. . . . the path of a master 168
letter number 3-50. . . . mystery of everyday
letter number 3-51. . . . we have a gift for giving 170
letter number 3-52. . . . faerie moans 171
letter number 3-52. . . . ever flowering 172
letter number 3-53. . . . our magic painted pictures 173
letter number 3-54. . . . when the deer and
the dragon lie 175
letter number 3-55. . . . pixie prince 176
letter number 3-56. . . . yule 178
letter number 3-57. . . . great conceptions 180
letter number 3-58. . . . the magic bracelet 181
letter number 3-59. . . . conclusive proof of pan 183
letter number 3-60. . . . keep hope alive 183
letter number 3-61. . . . Warrior-Priestess 184
letter number 3-62. . . . true elfin 185
letter number 3-63. . . . sorrynot 187
letter number 3-64. . . . cup of dreams 188
letter number 3-65. . . . elsewhere 189
letter number 3-66. . . . crossing over 190
letter number 3-67. . . . shadows of elfin 191
letter number 3-68. . . . the magical family 193
letter number 3-69. . . . flying elven 195
letter number 3-70. . . . our frasority 197
letter number 3-71. . . . mystical race of children 198
letter number 3-72. . . . our littles 199
letter number 3-74. . . . follow the wee folk 200
letter number 3-75. . . . cameleon natures 202
letter number 3-76. . . . the groove is in the heart 204
letter number 3-77. . . . star of hope 205
letter number 3-78. . . . midwifing the world 206
letter number 3-79. . . . our ancient sisters 207
letter number 3-80. . . . spirit of elfin 209
letter number 3-81. . . . hot for each other 210
letter number 3-82. . . . verfa terada (inner sight) 211
letter number 3-83. . . . eternal flame 213
letter number 3-84. . . . revel-utionaries 215
letter number 3-85. . . . spirits of the streams 217
letter number 3-86. . . . ever children 219
letter number 3-87. . . . here amoung the stars 220
letter number 3-88. . . . together forever in love 221
letter number 4-1. . . . heart 223
letter number 4-2 . . . . planting seeds 226
letter number 4-3. . . . hadosyn 228
letter number 4-4. . . . sacriÄce 230
letter number 4-5. . . . stardoms of elÄn 233