book is dedicated to the
Elf Queens Daughters,
who first introduced us to the I Ching.
you dearest Gail Avrill for your comments on Amazon about our
The Silver Elves have written what I have found to
be the best translation of the I Ching book, with non-sexist
language, clear interpretations and magical implications of
the hexagrams. "The Elven Book of Changes" is perfect
for use as a daily oracle and guide. And it is quite beautifully
written, as are all the books I have thus read by the Silver
thank you so much, dear Ileådryn, for your Amazon review:
So I just started using this, as an oracle book you dont
need to read the whole thing through like a regular book.
This is an I Ching book from an Elven perspective. Wow, really
useful. I already used it with some key readings, and it was
extraordinarily helpful. The Silver Elves recommend that once
people reach a certain magical point that they start using the
I Ching every day, and Ive certainly been very impressed
with it. While they use many oracle systems, and have written
books about many of them, they have found the I Ching to be
the most accurate of the oracles due to it being less prone
to being interpreted through the whims and preconceptions of
the user. Ive certainly found it to be powerfully accurate,
and I think this particular book will be very helpful to elves,
otherkin, and Fae in developing oracle magic.
Why is oracle magic important and useful to develop? Because
it allows one to eventually learn from ones mistakes,
before one starts making them. This is incredibly important,
because we can see how consequences would play out, without
us actually having to go through the painful process of learning
the hard way. This in turn, makes our spiritual training much
This is a very good book. It took a minute to figure out how
to use it, since I had no prior experience in I Ching. But I
found the best way was simply to do one oracle reading, and
just walk through the steps of doing it. Once I did one, it
pretty much clicked, and by the third I had done, it became
Now, Im super happy I got it, and I think a lot of other
Otherkin, fae, elves and magical users will be happy also.
This is a great book!
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the Introduction of The Elven Book of Changes:
"We first learned how to do the I Ching from the Elf
Queens Daughters. We had encountered it previously and
had done it, but it was with the Elf Queens Daughters
that we really learned how to do it effectively, and have
since that time been doing it at least once a day for the
last 35+ years.
The I Ching is one of the oldest, most organized, and in the
experience and opinion of these elves, the most accurate of
oracles. Whenever we have a truly important question, we always
consult the I Ching.
While most experts say, and historical data seems to support,
that the I Ching has been in use for at least three to four
thousand years, the tradition among the Elves is that it is
at least 8,000 years old.
Why a New Version of the I Ching?
There are many versions of the I Ching, the Wilhelm-Baynes
translation being one of the best in our opinion. However,
there are aspects of that great book that these elves found
unsatisfactory. First, it bore with it the cultural prejudices
concerning women that existed at the time it was created.
We have tried to create a version that is non-sexist. Most
versions of the I Ching speak of the superior man,
which we find less than satisfactory to many of our sisters.
Second, we wanted a version that spoke to elves, elfin magic,
and magicians and magic workers overall. This version is created
with that in mind.
Third, while we believe the Wilhelm/Baynes version is a truly
great translation, there were a few lines we simply couldnt
agree with. Also, some made no sense to us in terms of the
line and then the hexagram it changed into, so we began again,
line by line. While our interpretation is in some instances
very similar to the original, in some cases we have altered
the interpretation completely."
Silver Elves

The first hexagram represents the primal power from which
all things originate. It is conceived of as Magic in a pure
undifferentiated state, and thus exists as absolute potentiality.
It is energetic by it nature and of the Spirit, and thus represents
the Divine. It has all solid lines indicating that it is strong
and without weakness, therefore it represents power. It is
purposeful, directed toward a goal that may be conceived of
as Vision or Destiny.
The first primal power is infinite in Being. It is, has always
been, and always will be. It extends itself through Space,
the second primal power, which exists by virtue of its nonexistence,
which because of its receptivity allows the First Power to
manifest within Space. This creates the idea of motion, or
sequential development from which we derive the idea of Time.
This sequential development creates the idea of evolution,
by which the Magic realizes its Vision by way of step-by-step
development through Space/Time.
This sequential realization of the Divine represents a movement
from Pure Conscious Being into the Mental Realm and from there
into Materiality. This might also be conceived as a descent
into the Angelic realm, the Deva realms and downward
into the individualized material realm, where Divinely inspired
Mages illuminate the lives of receptive individuals.