elves cast their runes upon the nacrescent trails left by snails on
the ground. Prognosticating according to the nature of the rune and
its nearness or farness from the shiny trails that they often refer
to as the Paths of Destiny."
The Silver Elves
you so very much Delfynasa for your comments on Amazon about our book:
One of my favorite divination books. It is beautifully written
and illustrated. I have taken my copy everywhere! So it is 'broken
in' looking. If you like runes but want something a little different
this is great book. If you are really into Elves or are an Elf you
will LOVE this book!!!
you dear Gail Avrill for your review on Goodreads and Amazon:
I love the Silver Elves' books. "The Book of Elven Runes"
is an original and unique system of divination with 40 elven runes
(I was surprised to find that it is not based on either the Norse
Runes or on Tolkien's runes). This book is subtitled a "Passage
into Faerie" and I think for good reason as by following the
oracle it helps in getting closer to understanding that wondrous realm.
received two letters from our sister, Sorynvala, after she purchased
the original edition of The Elven Book of Runes (2001). Sorynvala
has kindly given us permission to share some of her comments about
The Elven Book of Runes.
Silver Elves,
I have received and read through the book and all I can say is Wow!
What a wonderful and magickal gift you have crafted for Elvenkind.
Thank you. The Runes are already fast becoming part of my daily
experience in many different ways
she wrote,
book is truly a Gift to any who would have it and I heartily recommend
it to anyone. I did of course admire the professional quality of
the book and the obvious technical skills you employed in putting
it together. On that level it is very nice indeed! But I have to
admit, it is the obvious Love and Dedication and Elven Magick that
you put into it - which fairly drips off the pages! - that *really*
makes it special in my mind.
wishes to you of health and happiness
thanks and much love
thank you, dear Dakyndre Helgesson, for your review on Amazon:
I agree that this book is an original and fresh oracle system. I
purchased this book and am half way through it and it is wonderful.
The runes are simple in their form yet complex and powerful in their
meaning and use. As an oracle they are amazing and for their use
in ritual even more profound. As with all the books of these authors
I highly recommend this book to those seeking the realm of the fae.
The Silver Elves
invite our international brothers and sisters to go to CheapRiver.com
and type the name of one of our books into the search, select your
country, and find a comparison of prices selling our books on all
the Amazon sites, including shipping, to your doorstep. Also this
book is available here
on The Book Depository, which ships free internationally to
many countries including Australia.
excerpt of two of our Elven Runes:

"Magical Implement: Something silver, colored silver
but perferably made of silver"
"The Magical Act:"
"Intent or will power is the first and most important step
toward achieving any magical or mundane effect. This book is subtitled
A Passage Into Faerie and the first step is to intend or will to
go there. The elfin, however, call this The Wish. If you want something
you must first...Make a Wish!"
"SILVER is a Rune of Magic and the power of magic, particularly
Moon Magic ... the magic of the psyche. Silver is a metal both hard
and malleable, giving the idea of being firm about ones visions
and goals and at the same time being adaptable to the circumstances
from which we potentialize success."
"Silver has always held an important part in the Elven Culture.
It is considered mystical and sacred, not only to the Moon Goddess
and the Tide Goddess but also to the Goddess of the Stars. Drawing
this rune reminds one that all magic is fulfilled within the course
of time but one must make their wishes very carefully ... and they
must be karmically free or one would be subject to undesirable repercussions.
We are responsible for our own actions. We have the power to create
our own vision and the power to increase our own powers and abilities
through self discipline and endeavor. Remember ... the Divine wants
you to succeed! Your success could mean success for others as well.
Trust in your magic ... have faith in the Stars and be true to the
Divine in everyone. Give respect to all beingsgood or ill.
Remember the Witchs admonition: And that it harm none,
do what you will. Faery smiles on creativity ... it is the
gift of the Divine in all of us!"

"Magical Implement: elf hat or hood"
"The Magical Act:"
a place, if you will, where there is no rape, no murder, no theft
and you can walk the streets day or night without fear. If you need
help you need only ask for it, you can go anywhere and find friends
ready to greet you because trust reigns."
"No one starves here, no one is abused. Everyone feels themselves,
knows themselves to be an important part of the integral body of
the whole. There is no pollution here and disease perishes. Healing
spreads like an epidemic ... every healer contagious. Creativity
flourishes, everyone is happy and cheerful in their chores. Magic
and love abound, mixed with sweet romance. There are no police,
only guides and assistants."
"A dream world this, yes! But not an impossible dream. A dream
of elfland, of faerie, where all is well and the children quite
safe. People united and dedicated to this very dream."
"Those who receive this Rune are welcomed to the community
of those who strive to manifest paradise on earth and in the stars
for all people. In so much as it is in your power, Live Paradise
Now! Create the future by living it now. It is within our
power to do so. This Rune is a boon for those who accept this vision.
Good fortune is theirs. Those who think such visions unrealistic
and unattainable, live in a prison guarded by themselves."
The Silver Elves