please do not miss visiting our "Want
an Elf Name" page for a free individually selected
elf name!
FACES . . . . . .
Know the truth in a world of seeming
Elfin manifest all about
Waken now from nightmares dreaming
Elfin puts all fears to rout.
Smiling faces do surround you
Brothers, sisters, cousins, too
Faerie, elf, and pixie beaming
As you realize anew.
The truth of life is one with meaning
A meaning found in loves embrace
Beneath the trees that are ever gleaming
Radiant upon each elven face.
you like this poem, please see Caressed
by An Elfin Breeze: The Poems of Zardoa Silverstar.

are the Silver Elves?
Silver Elves are a family of elves who have been living and
sharing the Elven Way since 1975. We are the authors of 50+
books on elven Magic including: The Book of Elven Runes,
The Magical Elven Love Letters, volume I, 2,
and 3, Through the Mists of Faerie, The Elven Way,
and The Elfin Book of Spirits, and we have had various
articles published in Circle Network News Magazine. We
have created a 30,000+ word Elfin language called Arvyndase
(SilverSpeech), and have given out over 6,000 elven names to
interested individuals in Arvyndase. If you wish to know more
about us you can read pages 100 to 107 in Circles, Groves
and Sanctuaries, compiled by Dan and Pualine Campanelli
(Llewellyn Publications, 1992), which contains an article by
us and photos of us and our home/sanctuary as it existed at
the time. You can also find an article about us in volume 4
number3, issue # 15 of Renaissance Magazine. We are also
mentioned numerous times in Not In Kansas Anymore by
Christine Wicker (Harper San Francisco, 2005), A Field Guide
to Otherkin by Lupa
(Megalithica Books, 2007), and are interviewed in Emily Carding's
recent book Faery Craft.
also welcome you to join us on Facebook under the name "Michael
J. Love (Zardoa of The SilverElves)" and "Martha Char
Love (SilverFlame of The Silver Elves)".
The Silver Elves were first awakened and became
part of the Elf Queens Daughters in 1975. Our sisters
(both male and females members were all called sisters) of the
EQD taught us how to cast an Astrological Chart, do the I
Ching and various spells of Enchantment. As members of the
EQD, we Silver Elves formed a Vortex (coven) of the EQD that
we called the Elves of the Southern Woodlands in Carbondale,
Illinois, and soon thereafter began participating in the publications
of the letters called Elf Magic Mail. In 1977 the inner
circle of the EQD withdrew into seclusion and ceased publication
of the letters. We, however, have remained in contact with most
of these sisters to this day. In 1979 we moved to Gainesville,
Fl., and changed our name to the Sylvan Elves and began publishing
The Magical Elven Love Letters as a continuation of the
Dharma we had vowed to undertake, the sharing of the knowledge
of the Elven Way. In 1981, we relocated to California and took
on the title of The Silver Elves, which has remained our name
ever since. In 2008, we relocated to Hawaii where we are have
published now 45+ books on elven magic and enchantment and the
Elven Way, including three volumes of The Magical Elven Love
Letters, Through the Mists of Faerie, The Elven Way,
An Elfin Book of Dreams: An Oracle of Faerie, and The
Elven Book of Changes. You are invited to read samples
of our books by clicking on the Sample
Our Books page on this website.
Elven Way
The Elven Way is the spiritual Path of the Elves.
It is not a religion. While all elves are free to pursue whatever
spiritual path they desire, or not as the case may be, these
elves are magicians and follow no particular religious dogma.
We do however believe in all the Gods and Goddesses, (also Santa
Claus [to whom were related], the tooth fairy [distant
cousins] and the Easter or Ostara Bunny [no relation].) and
try to treat them all with due respect. The Elven Way promotes
the principles of Fairness, that is to say both Justice, Elegance
and Equal Opportunity and Courtesy that is respectful in its
interactions and attitude toward all beings, great or small.
We understand the world as a magical or miraculous phenomena,
and that all beings, by pursuing their own true path, will become
whomever they truly desire to be. Our path is that of Love and
Magic and we share our way with all sincerely interested individuals.
Kyela (which means Love in Arvyndase [silver speech]),
The Silver Elves
here for a list
of our favorite
Silver Speech, Arvyndase, salutations used in the Elven
Magical Love Letters
is a view of the magical Makaha Valley waterfalls
taken as we look out the front yard of our Elven Eald.
you a
I know me some
Gathering at dusk
After deeds have been done.
Beautiful faces,
Charming and sweet
Kind in a way
That one seldom meets.
Their eyes all a twinkle
They give me a wink
I blush at the thoughts
They cause me to think.
I know some faeries
Playful and fun
It got me to wondering
If you might be one?
sits in the sand
The bride and groom hold hands
The bridesmaid tells of loves that she has lost Cupid's arrows
As it does pierce her heart
But in love's blush she does not count the cost.
A Faery tale comes true
As Faery tales will do
In Faery where the Elder race doth dwell
On islands of the sea
Beneath the banyan tree
Every lingering sorrow
Is made well.
Zardoa Silverstar
Banyan Tree on Waikiki
welcome you to enter our
Elven Tree of Life Eternal.
You will remain in our site and
have the opportunity to return
to this home page at any time.
hope you enjoy printing as many of the "100 Kisses Elfin
Money" below as you like
(front of Elfin money is on left side and back is on right side).
In the days when we were printing and binding our own books,
we liked to send our elf sisters and brothers these Kisses with
the books they ordered. Now that our books are sold through
Amazon and we are not sending them out ouselves, we offer these
images below. Each image clicks on to its own page for printing
and you can print as much as you need. Enjoy!:
contents on this site copyright by the Silver Elves 2009
Elves on Facebook Check us out on Facebook and
enjoy connecting with the Silver Elves and the elven community
for discussions with elves, otherkin and friends.
updated June 27, 2020 |
