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The Tautha De Danaan, the children of Danu, were the dominate race of the third root race. They are sometimes called the Lemurians and were the last Faery Race before the coming of the Milesians of the fourth root race, also called the Atlanteans, who were the first true men, the darkest, thickest and most ponderous of the races descending into materiality. Note that the ancient Romans had a word Lemure which stood for ancient and frightening ghosts. They were, naturally, speaking of the Lemurians who still haunted them.

It will not be until the influx of the 6th subrace of the 5th root race that the faerie folk will again emerge as an influence upon the earth. However, the 5th root race in a way is related to the third race and the shapeshifting which was common of the third race is now mirrored in the intercultural and racial marriages of today. As we move toward the 6th root race, the psychic energy will increase and our ability to tap into the etheric web of Faerie shall heighten and be as it once was with the exception that now Faerie will have become fully physicalized.

And what of the Tautha De Danaan? They merged into the race of men completing the physicalization of the Faerie Race so that we could begin to make real what had long been the stuff of dreams

Three ways now there are to go...
Will you get serious about life and try to do something to change the world...

Are you still undecided about who you are and what you want to do with your life...
Are you content to be home with your loved ones...
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