Brownies tend to be homebodies. They love a cozy home and are very
family oriented, absolutely doting on their children. They are quite often
small in stature and frequently tend toward dark skin or complexion but
what they are most noted for and named for, is their tendency to love
and wear the color brown and muted shades of green and sometimes soft
yellow or tan. That is not to say that they never wear other colors, in
fact, when fall comes they can be found sporting a wild diversity of color,
but their favorites are nearly always soft, muted colors.
Unlike many other elves, however, they tend to dress more for comfort
than fashion. These are truly "down home" folks and are inclined
to be quite modest and practical. They are essentially domestic, rather
than resenting the very day aspects of home life they often revel in them.
And if not that, than at least they accept them without complaint. No
elves, after all, really have much concern for housecleaning which we
consider along the same lines as urinating... that is something that necessity
requires from time to time and we might as well enjoy will we doing it.