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English (Alphabetical Order)



na a & an nah
basar about bay - sayr
laka after lah - kah
wyl all will
nawe also nay - wee
nar and nair
tat as tate
zan at zane
te be tea
tein been tea - in
tedas being tea - dace
kana but kay - nah
la by lah
nolorda by the way no - lore - dah
vek can veek
bain did - done bah - in
ba do - does bah
elda elf L - dah
eldatur elfhood L - dah - tour
eldat elfin L - date
eldatu elfish L - day - two
eldatudar elfishness L - day two - dar
eldata elven L - day - ta
eldali elves L - dah - lie
boro even bore - row
jaja even (as opposed to odd) jah - jah
vari ever vay - rye
fro for fro
larn fore lair-n
an from ain (rhymes with pain
tirin had tire - in
tir have & has tire
tirdas having tire - dace
hae he - him hay
vae'na her (possessive) vay - nah
jan here jan
kae hir - sHe kay
kae'na hirs kay - nah
hae'na his hay - nah
po how poe
povari however poe - vayr - rye
poso however poe - so
el I - me eel
nef if knee-f (like knife with a long "e" instead of an "I"
koneldae ignoble cone - L - day
kongrijvar illegal cone - gryj - vayr
konmanetarey illiterate cone - mah - ne - tah - ray
konnalur immature cone - nah - lure
konkomyr immobile cone - co - mer
ver in veer
konrego inconstant cone - re - go
konyendur incorrect cone - yeen (rhymes with keen) - dur (as in endure)
verva into veer - vah
da is & are dah
ter it tier 
ter'na it's tier - nah
elto language eel - toe
jalar love (divine) jah - lair
feas love (for objects) fee - ace
kyela love (romantic) key - L - lah
feln love (special feeling elves have for other elves) feel-n
rynt love (used to speak of the concept of love overall) rent
kyelali loves (pural noun) key - L - lah - lie
kyelalu loves (verb) key - L - lah - lou
elde mage l - dee
eldo magi l - doe
eldon magic l - doan (rhymes with phone, tone, etc.)
eldonvar magical l - doan - vayr
eldonla magically (literally magicly) l - doan - lah
eldonlor magician l - doan - lore
eldonloa magicology l - doan - low - ah
dater magus day - tier
kord make cord
corval make out (discern) core - vale
el'na my - mine eel - nah
kon no & not cone
u of you
soflor of course sof (as in sofa without the "a") - lore
ton on tone
gos on (movement) gos (like ghost without the "t")
sa or sah
eli-na our - ours e - lie - nah
os own oh-ss
osfa owner oh-ss - fah
osmar (literally ownship) ownership oh-ss - mare 
vae she - her vay
re so ree
vakorn so called vay - corn
dilno so far dial - no
valla so long (parting) veil - lah
atentyl so long as a - teen - till
nata so-so nay - tah
ina some eye - nah
dosh such doe-sh
dij that dye-j 
tae the tey
tam'na their - theirs tam - nah
norn there norn
nornbasar thereabouts norn - bay - sayr
nornlaka thereafter norn - lah - kay
nornarn therefore norn - air-n
nornver therein norn - veer
nornena therewith norn - e - nah
tam they - them tame
wyr this were
hern thus hear-n
va to vah
bil too (also) bile
bam too (too much) bame (rhymes with tame)
rep up reap
repton upon reap - tone
yali vary yeah - lie
lefa very lee - fah
eli we - us e - lie
wu what woo
nas when nayce
ern where ear-n
ernvari wherever ear-n - vayr - rye
jae who jay
jae'na whose jay - nah
vas why vace (rhymes with race)
yon will yone
ena with e - nah
inton with it (hip - cool, etc.) in - tone
enakon without (withnot) e - nah - cone
mol word mole
oso word (final or last word) oh - so
molli words mole - lie
ale yes a - lee
le you lee
le'na your lee - nah