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This is the Path of the Wyzard-ressthe path from the earth to mercury. It is the path of the mind. It is the path of excellence and expertise wherever the mind is concerned. It is the path of logic and knowledge on the mental plane. To tread this path is to become an expert at something, often many things. The Sci Fi hero Dr. Who is a prime example of this path as is Gandalf the Wyzard and Sherlock Holmes. Real life wyzards were Pasteur, Madame Curie and Tesla. It is the path of the Vulcan (ever wondered why they have pointed ears?) The elf who pursues this path learns to control their mind...to think logically and clearly... to act in a transpersonal fashion. Their mind becomes a tool of magic and creative visualization is their forte. |
The Elfin Wyzard seldom works at a typical job. They are sometimes independantly wealthy and other times supported by the people so that they may pursue those magics which are in the long run for the benefit of us all.
Elfin Wyzards, of course, are nearly always experts at something and quite often experts at many things and they have an insatiable curiousity about nearly everything. They are eternal students forever studying this, that and the other thing... sometimes subjects so remote or seemingly insignificant that the rest of us are baffled at their pursuits. They tend to have very wide and diverse interests and bring together knowledge from a vast array of seemingly unconnected disciplines which they integrate in order to perform feats that amazes us.
Elfin Wyzards are in many ways the most eccentric of indviduals of a people (we elfin) that are by our very nature eccentric. Elfin Wyzards often seem to be like little children even when they are very elderly. They are ever tinkering with things and sometimes so absorbed in their researches that they appear oblivious to concerns of ordinary life. To those that don't know better they might seem muddled or befuddled... but this is a deception. Some call them harebrained and they can seem to be absent minded to the point of living totally in another world. But, be not fooled, the Elfin Wyzard is brilliant and it is just at those moments when nearly everyone else is baffled, befuddled and buffaloed that the Elfin Wyzard suddenly emerges in absolute calm control of the situation with the answers and solutions that have eluded everyone else.
Totem: Panther |
Element: Mercury |
Mineral: Amber |
Herb: Guarana |
Tool: Staff |
Tree: Beech |
Constellation: Corvus |
Archetype: Gandalf |
It's not a path of s'elf importance. If you show up and whisper around that you are a wyzard and see what you think needs to be done and tell others they should do it, you're missing the point and more than that you've strayed from the path... if you were indeed ever on it. The path of the Elfin Wyzard is all about being of help. They seldom even mention they are wyzards for it tends to hamper them and they love to move in secret. Can you help without reaching for credit? If so, you may be an Elfin Wyzard. In the long run the question is... what can you do for our people?
Sherlock Holmes series
starring Jeremy Brett
You have mastered the power of thought....
Updated on Febrauary 11, 2012
all rights reserved by Silver Elves © 2002