Dialogues : A Further Correspondence Between The Silver Elves
and the Founders of The Elf Queen's Daughters
Dialogues" is a collection of letters that are a continuation
of a correspondence started in our book "Magic Talks" between
the Silver Elves and two sisters, Arwen and Elanor, who founded the
Elf Queens Daughters, of which the Silver Elves were a part.
The Elf Queens Daughters were a magical Frasority (fraternity/sorority)
who were active in the mid 1970s and published three letters
a week on Elven Culture, Philosophy and Magic that were sent to hundreds
of individuals in the U.S. and Europe.
This set of letters is entitled "Sorcerers Dialogues"
since the emphasis is primarily on Sorcery, but also includes, as
the first book did, conversations about Esoteric Buddhism; the Ancient
Wisdom Traditions; Tolkiens works and other authors of
Faery Tales, modern and old; Magic; Mysticism; Elven and modern culture,
and much more. You do not need to read the first book to enjoy this
one; but as we say, these letters are a continuation from the ones
in that book.


book is dedicated to our elven brother and nephew,
Star Chaser.
would also like to thank Arwen and Elanor for collaborating with us
on this book and making it possible, Arwen and Elanor, founders of The
Elf Queen's Daughters, have enjoyed a life enriched by their continued
efforts in communal, collaborative, cooperative works of art forms including
music, writing, and film-making. They have produced independent full-length
feature films as The La Honda Film company. La Honda Films has produced
two full-length films: "Buffalo Hearts" (now available on
both Netflix and Amazon) and their newest film release, "California
Tango". They also have a number of films in the works including:
"The Sorcerer", "Pacal Voltan", and "The Aenid".
For more information on their films, enjoy visiting their production
website at:
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