Geomancy: An Ancient Oracle of the Elfin Peoples for Divination and
Spell Casting
GEOMANCY is an original system of divination by The Silver Elves
that creates a magical ritual with each forecast. The Silver Elves
have created a new divination system for modern elves and faerie folk
drawing from the ancient geomancy of ages past. It differs quite a
bit from the traditional geomancy that was used by the ancients and
the people of the Renaissance and Middle Ages. That form of geomancy
was at one time rather widely known and popular among diviners, although
it has, for the most part, fallen out of use today. Elven Geomancy
has 128 possible outcomes that give a reply of a series of seven (like
the seven pointed star of the elves) oracles as your response. These
seven oracles show the step-by-step process or movement toward the
realization of your question. The Elven Geomancy method is also a
means of creating magical elfin spells to help bring about one's wishes.
Eight basic mudras are used as well as mantras for each of the oracles
are given for creating your own rituals. If you truly like using elven
mantras for magick, elven mantras accompany each of the oracles and
are written in our magical language Arvyndase with the English meaning
also given. These mantras can be strung together to form a spell to
increase the magic associated with the answer you receive in this
oracle. And these mantras may be used along with the mudras also given
for each outcome to form a sort of impromptu ritual that you can perform
in order to increase the potency of what you wish to achieve.
We make no claims that our elven way of geomancy is superior to the
traditional way of the ancients. Merely that it is different and beloved
by these elves. You may, as always, decide for your owns'elf which
one, if either, you prefer or if you like both methods. The elven
method draws from a wider range of possible outcomes and yet is simpler
in form. However, the traditional ancient method is strongly associated
with astrology and the astrological houses and so for astrologers
it may be a better or more interesting method or at least one that
draws on information with which they are already knowledgeable. We
are elven astrologers, so we understand the other method, but we still
prefer our own for our method is also a powerful means of creating
magical elfin spells to help bring about our wishes.
For those readers who are curious to know about this very powerful
cover image: This image is from a photo taken at Todaiji Temple, Nara,
Japan, of Zardoa of The Silver Elves standing in front of the statue
of Binzuru (Pindola Bharadvaja), one of the original four Arhats of
early Indian Buddhism, known for his magical healing and his mastery
of occult and psychic powers
The Silver Elves

We dedicate
this book to all our elven brothers and sisters.
Pages 114-116 below:
The mantras that accompany each of the oracles are written in Arvyndase
(see our book Arvyndase [SilverSpeech]: the Magical Language of the
Silver Elves) and can be strung together to form a spell to increase
the magic associated with the answer you receive and may be used along
with the mudra to form a sort of impromptu ritual that you can perform
in order to increase the potency of what you wish to achieve. It is
always possible, and is likely to be the case sometimes that the answer
you received was not the one you were hoping for. You are free, of
course, to put together any series and combination of mantras and
mudras that you feel may increase your potentiality for success in
terms of the question asked and the outcome desired. Merely recombine
the grandparents and see what outcome you then get. If you like it
better, use that series of mantras and mudras to subtly shift the
energy. Do this magic until you achieve the result you desire.
There are eight basic mudra hand positions that are used in this book.
By placing ones hand in these positions and then following the
movements as described a magical spell casting is created. When one
links these movements derived from the oracle together, along with
the mantras, one has a mini ritual that one can use to empower ones
desires or avoid outcomes or obstacles one doesnt wish to manifest.
In moving from the end of one set of movements to the starting point
of the next set, make your transition from one position to the other
as efficient and elegant as possible. In making the seven movements,
connect them as one movement visualizing the colors for the movements
and connecting the movements between them so they become one continuous
series. This, of course, will take a bit of practice.
The mudra positions and movement will involve both hands. When speaking
of the mudra positions we will refer to your dominant and assisting
hands. If you are right handed that will be your dominant hand and
the left your assisting hand. If you are left handed the reference
will be reversed. If you are ambidextrous the dominant hand will be
the one with which you sign your name and the assisting hand the one
that holds the paper. Or if you wish, merely choose which hand you
wish to use as the dominant hand and assisting hand. Its your
magic, after all.
Refer to Appendix A for photos of the eight basic hand positions.
Each of the mudras or hand positions and movements are best if visualized
in a particular color. However, since each of the seven mudra groups
of any particular series may change color as one proceeds, weve
found it best to use the color of the first grandparent throughout
the ritual movement rather than changing the color from movement to
movement, however, you are free to do what feels best to you. Note
that while there are eight basic mudra hand positions, each oracle
will produce seven movement groups that are a combination of any of
these eight mudras.
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here are two sample chapters, two possible oracle outcomes with mantras
and mudras and visualizations to go with them:
The Golden Dragon symbolizes creative action. If you are an artist
of any sort, this is a great sign to get. If you are about to initiate
any project, including business projects, or you are asking about
starting something new this is a sign that says definitely proceed.
It is strong and untiring and promises success to those who follow
through with their intentions to completion.
If your question is spiritual in nature, it indicates that what you
are doing or about to do is supported by the weight of the Universe.
You are in the right place at the right time and now all you have
to do is be sure that what you are doing is right or fair for everyone
concerned and is in keeping with the laws of Nature, the Universe
and the fairness that is part and parcel of Elfin being and of being
in Elfin.
If your question has to do with obstacles you are facing, then the
response would indicate that you need to get in touch with the Universe,
align yourself with what is fair and right, and strive to become
in harmony with the situation. Then success will come to you from
the Divine Magic and nothing will be able to stop it.
The Golden Dragon also symbolizes a blessing upon you. In getting
it, it means magic is heading your way. The Universe, the Shining
Ones and the Divine Magic have heard your call and are responding
at this very moment, sending you energy that you can use to resolve
your current situation, create something greater and take a further
step on the path to magical initiation, mastery and adeptship.
Tas Soch
Pronounced: tace sow-ch (rhymes with roach)
Meaning: Go Forth
Use mudra one for both dominant and assisting hands. Hold the assisting
hand straight out from your shoulder with the palm downward. Hold
the dominant hand with elbow bent, palm inward and outstretched fingers
pointed upward as though you are holding a pistol in an old fashioned
duel. Quickly arc the dominant hand downward, elbow now bent at an
approximate 45° angle and pointing forward visualizing the colored
light created by the movement of the arc.
Bright golden light.
In receiving this oracle, you may feel blessed, however, it is very
important that you do what is right and fair for everyone involved in
the situation. If you try to do things that are not in keeping with
fairness then eventually things will turn out very badly for you concerning
this question. If you have in some way cut corners that you shouldnt
have or have been less than fair to some involved, now is the time to
set things straight and repair whatever damage has occurred or prevent
any from occurring if it is not too late to do so.
Remember, this is not punishment for you. This is not bad karma coming
to roost. It is really a blessing in the form of a warning to stay upon
the path and do what is right for everyone. If you do that then rewards
will surely come your way and all that you hoped to achieve will come
to fruition.
It is true that the higher powers, the Shining Ones, are observing you
and you may feel that strange feeling you get when someone is watching
you but you dont know where they are or sensation you get when
your teachers are standing over you as you are taking a test. But, remember
that the reason they are checking you out is because you have attracted
their attention and they have seen potential in you. Now you just need
to do your best.
La lun maryoldas
Pronounced: Lah loon mare yole - dace
Meaning: By light unfolding
With the dominant hand in mudra one and the assisting hand in mudra
eight, palms downward, assisting hand over dominant hand at chest level,
rotate the dominant hand around so the outstretched fingers are pointing
upward toward the sky/ceiling, palm toward opposite side of body and
the fingers of the assisting hand, still in same position, are now touching
the inner wrist of the dominant hand.
light outlined by white light