"The Elven Way passes beyond the fields of the known into
the forest of the unknown illuminated by the glow of the elves."
the cover)
book is dedicated to the Shining Ones, our beloved kindred, who have
guided and protected us our entire lives. We will meet you in Faerie
by and by,
elves and faeries are often portrayed as dancing in a circle. This
is because we see life as a dance and because the Elven Way goes ever
(page 4, introductory quote)
We thank
our stary brother Anadae for his review on Amazon:
"Part philosophical treatise, part living manifesto, and part
theoretical grimoire (as opposed to a diagramatic grimoire), Zardoa
Silverstar's & his missus, THE Silver Flame Love's "The Elven
Way: The Magical Path of the Shining Ones" will have your responses
partly divided between moments of, "That's just what I've thought
all along mys'elf!", to other Ah-HAH! moments of, "Now,
why hadn't I ever seen it that way before?" All in all, another
enlightening & thoroughly engaging tome of wisdom from the Silver
Elves. A definite must-have for the ever-growing personal libraries
of Magical Realists of all different Traditions, whether you 'bee'
elf or human or other. Highly recommended. Peace out."
And we
also thank Nikolay Lyapanenko for your wonderful review on Goodreads
and on the group Facebook page "The Magical Books of the Silver
I'm slowly coming to the last page of this magical guide-book written
by the brilliant authors - the Silver Elves.
And indeed, The Elven Way book takes the reader beyond
the field of the known and lays the road into the forest of unknown,
revealing new, wonderful and exciting secrets about the world of Magic,
the Path of the Elves and rich elven heritage.
It is a very fascinating work that illuminates the theme of the High
Elven Spirituality, and High Elven Magick, the Philosophy of the Elven
Way and the Teaching of the Elves.
It also tells about the Shining Ones, the ancient elves, our guardians
- highly advanced and light divine creatures that help and protect
the modern elven folk today.
The book tells about the psychology and of course, the spiritual component
of each person and the development of this component, spirit
too! The book provides a vast reservoir of knowledge about how this
world is arranged and how it works, what is the Elven Spiritual Path
and who are the elves!
I consider this book as a keeper of Pure Elven Wisdom.
And for me it was really a book that could enlighten, inspire me and
make me think about something. It can teach to look on the world in
a deeper way!!!!!
It is a very deep, very interesting and useful work, written for all
- those who are only in search of the right spiritual path and for
those who is already following a certain spiritual path.
For me this book is a magical treasure, and it takes pride of place
on my first bookshelf!
I'm sure I'll read it again and again and maybe pass on to my children
and grandchildren as a guide for life and for their magical way!"
And we
thank Mamie for her review on Amazon:
Silver Elves have been leading the Elven Movement since the 70s and
this is an amazing book written by them on Elven philosophy, culture
and life. It is well written and very clear to understand even by
those like me who have not read other books on Elven philosophy. I
loved reading it and hope everyone who is interested in knowing about
this path will read it."
"I have been fortunate enough to read and even meet the authors
at a rare book signing and came away with such a warm feeling knowing
this book was written by folks who clearly understand the subject
and live the Elven Way. I do not read a lot on this subject but I
was truly fascinated with each page and could not put the book down
until I had read it cover to cover and intend to re-read it so I do
not miss one word! This is one book, follower or not of this subject,
you do not want to miss. I am certainly looking forward to reading
more books by the Silver Elves."
you John Towers for your review on Goodreads:
"The Elven Way has a unique and enchanting way of presenting
magic and the magical path, very much in harmony with nature and ancient
wisdom. This is an excellent book to assist in developing personal
magical potential and I particularly liked the section on realms and
dimensions and occult laws. While quite a bit was new to me, I found
myself nodding 'yes' to most of what I read."
And thank
you Mille for your comment on Goodreads:
Elven Way by the Silver Elves helped me to truly understand the
elven spiritual path and answered all my questions. What a beautiful
Path! So happy I read this one!"
may now purchase our "The
Elven Way: The Magical Path of the Shining Ones"
on Amazon.com. The book is priced at $13.00 (although often on sale
for only $9.99) and its purchase is eligible for Amazon's free Super
Saver Shipping (Amazon's deal to ship you free if you purchase a
total over $25 in a single or combined book order).
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Our Book on Amazon US: https://www.amazon.com/Elven-Way-Magical-Path-Shining/dp/1482672464/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8
Our Book on Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Elven-Way-Magical-Path-Shining/dp/1482672464/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8
our international brothers and sisters, this book is also available
on Amazon international sites as well as being available here
on The Book Depository, which ships free internationally to
many countries including Australia.
The Silver Elves
from "The Elven Way", Chapter 9: page 141-143):
Magic of the Shining Ones
the awakened elf takes on greater initiation and begins to function
creatively in cooperation with the Shining Ones and with Faerie itself,
which is to say the Source, the great Magic, hir magical growth is
quickened by the increased power and the intensity of the forces that
sHe now uses for hir magical creations. Naturally, this causes a rapidity
of evolutionary development that will not be found in your average
normal person who most often not only doesnt embrace change,
as the adept elf does, but actively avoids it, in fact, is in many
ways terrified by its possibilities. This acceptance of new energies
and possibilities by the elf, tends to arouse here-to-fore un-accessed
parts of hir being, awakening latent talents, powers and abilities.
Remember most humans only use a small portion of their brain capacity,
and this increase in energetic connection tends to illuminate greater
portions of our brains. In time, this development will prove evolutionarily
"There are a number of effects of this evolutionary initiatory
development for the adept elf, the first of which is that since the
elfs powers are being heightened, the elf thus has more power
to do good, as well as being faced with greater temptation, which
is to say opportunity, to misuse this power. This is where the development
of magical maturity becomes so very important. The elf comes to understand
that magic is the use of will power to create effects in the world,
but also that initiation requires the development of magical and enlightened
intent. It is not enough to be able to create change according to
ones will, one needs to create the type of change that will
rebound positively for hir and all others and bring hir ever closer
to Faerie by increasing hir awareness of and actualization of hir
own true self."
"Another effect, and this is an effect of growing maturity, is
that the elf has a maximized increase in experience compared to most
folks. That is to say that the elf experiences in a few years what
others often take a lifetime to experience. This is in part why we
so often are called old souls, and in fact, this is in part a result
of having been through much of this in previous incarnations and are
often recapitulating those lifetimes in this one, thus moving through
such experiences much more quickly than a normal person tends to do."
"But also this is an effect of our increased vibrational rate
in addition to our greater understanding of life and the occult, magical
and mystical aspects of life. We process experiences more quickly
and have less of a tendency to cling to things we have endured. We
are more flexible, adaptable and less resistant to change. We are
less likely to struggle with change and more likely to try to shape
it to our intent. We always take with us what is valuable for us from
our experience, but we are ever moving onward. Also, due to the increased
vibrational frequency, we attract those who bring us even more experiences,
greater knowledge and understanding. In part, this is a consequence
of having cleared much of our karma and having set our course in such
a way as to minimalize accumulating more negative karma, and when
we do happen to do so, that is take a wrong karmic turn, we deal with
it quickly, making adjustments and reparations as soon as we are able."
"Here also comes, with increasing clarity, the realization that
our personal Destiny and the Destiny of all beings on our particular
planetary system are in most cases intimately entwined. The threads
of fate, karma and destiny hold us together lifetime after lifetime.
And it is at this point that the adept elf begins to realize that
the development of her power and abilities, the increasing power of
her true self, is not only in her own best interest, but in
keeping with the true interest of everyone else as well. Thus it is
also at this time that the elf plunges hirself near totally
into development of hir personal powers. SHe hungers to be greater,
to have power in the world, and as long as sHe holds steadfast to
hir intent, hir vision and the Elven Way, this is a natural and favorable
advance in hir progress. This after all is the test. It is not just
about increasing ones magical and other powers in a world that
is, shall we say, magically challenged at this time, but being able
as spirits to hold to the greater vision and not fall for the illusion,
the maya, that is the world as it appears to be, and therefore become
entangled in the endless fulfillment of desires without any understanding
of the true goal that we seek to actualize. One must be aware not
only of this lifetime, but the progress of what is called liåle
in Arvyndase, or samsara in Buddhist philosophy, that is the progress
of our soulful spirit through the lifetimes."