Magical Elven Love Letters, Volume 3
Magical Elven Love Letters, Volume 3, is composed of some of our early
letters that we wrote and sent out on the internet prior to the year
2000, as well as all of the letters sent out and/or published during
our journey and relocation to Hawaii in 2008, with accounts of our
encounters with the menehuni and the unfolding magic of the isles.
These letters are filled with Elven Philosophy and observe the world
from the point of view of the Elves, which is often quite unique from
how most people view and experience the world; and their unique Elven
Philosophy of Magic that is often similar and yet distinct from traditional
theories and methods of magic. Like the first two volumes, volume
3 is interspaced with Elven quotes, axioms, koans and other ancient
Elven sayings. This book is the completion of the trilogy of The Magical
Elven Love Letters.