Elven Game of Rhymes : Book Two of the Magical Poems of Zardoa Silverstar
is book two of the poems of Zardoa Silverstar. Most of these poems
in this current volume were inspired by the ancient Elven Poetry Game
that Zardoa Silverstar created. You may ask, if Zardoa Silverstar
created this game, how can it be ancient? We leave that as a puzzle
for you to ponder.
The Elven Poem Game goes like this: An elf writes a poem and another
elf takes one line from that poem and creates another poem from it,
and then the first elf takes a different line from that new poem and
creates another poem, and so forth. Sometimes the line has to be changed
somewhat to make it work with the new poem but most of the first lines,
and thus the titles, of these poems came from other poems.
Those that played this game with Zardoa were Evansyl, Syndareyn, Aradyn,
Ladardyn, Bo Tooke, and even Zardoas 100 year old mother, Faith,
contributed a couple of lines, without their inspiration most of these
poems would not have come into existence and we thank you all.
The Silver Elves