It is not really a coincidence that the words Ferry and Faerie are homonyms.
The Twilight Elves are the Ferry Folk of Faerie. It is said that one can
cross over into Faerie during the crepuscular hours and this is indeed
true. And it is the Twilight Elves that help one and guide one in such
a crossing. It is the Twilight Elves also that lead one to the deeper
regions of Faerie when the individual elf has developed the maturity and
understanding that enables them to function within these more subtle realms
of power and being. Thus the Twilight Elves often serve as messengers
from the "High Elves" that one has achieved a more potent level
of effectivity as a spirit and a soulful being.
The Twilight Elves therefore are always aware of thems'elves as being
willing ad voluntary servers and assistants to the Great Powers that create
and animate the Faerie Realms. Naturally, they are most potent in the
twilight hours when day crosses into night or night into day. But also
periods of mist, cloudiness or solar or lunar eclipse are very important
time for them as well. They are ever ready to help one find their way
deeper into Faerie but one must, for their own part, have paid their "dues".