Faeries Gather
September 1, 2009
These elves
Blessed kindred,
have between 400 and 500 Teraphim and Lares, that abide within
and about our Eald. Over two hundred of these are certainly faeries
of various kinds, but we also have pixies, elves, brownies, leprechauns,
gnomes, menehunes, gargoyles and even a hobbit. All of which, have
and do faithfully serve us, and our magics.
A little while back, we asked them to fulfill a particular magic
working for us and we promised if they accomplished it. we would
host a Faerie Party for all of them. Actually, we confess, these
elves are softies and we really told them that if they did the magic,
whether it turned out as we wanted it or not, wed throw them
a party because we trust them and know that while they may not always
succeed, they always do their best to do so.
In the gentletime, Silver Flame set up a faerie circle just inside
the floor to ceiling glass window to our lanai (porch) and drew
two cards from our Healing with Fairies Deck, to represent the event
organizers. The cards she got were the Sexuality (of course)
and Follow Your Dreams faeries. She also wrote to several
of our faerie sisters, who decided they would hold faerie gatherings
at the same time. So Mechekoryn and Aiea in Northern California
and Gal (pronounced Gail) Avyryl in Georgia each set up a circle
of their own. Mechekoryn sent us some faerie lights (Christmas tree
lights with transparent purple leaves around them) to go with our
circle, and Silver Flame sent her a photo of our sister Gal Avyryl
and sent Gal one of the leafs from the faerie lights.
As it happened, it took the faeries and other spirits only about
three weeks to accomplish the magic we had asked of them, a magic
we had done, not for ourselves, but for one of our kindred.
So the date was set and it was agreed upon by the various sisters
hosting the gatherings that they would hold them for three consecutive
nights. Each night these elves opened all the cabinet doors within
which several hundred of our teraphim reside, set out a pool for
them to bath in, turned on the faerie lights, and set out some wine.
Gal Arvyryl put lights in her window and set out elixirs and chocolate.
In the morning, after they had gone to bed, we would turn out the
lights and close the cupboard doors.
On the first night, just as we were going to sleep, we heard a small
bell tinkling. We expect that was to initiate the event. On the
third and final night, in the middle of the night, Zardoa was awakened
from a deep sleep and asked to compose a poem for the event. He
stumbled groggily from our bed, went into the living room, lay on
the floor and scribbled out the following:
Are you a faerie?
I know me some
Gathering at dusk
After deeds have been done.
Beautiful faces,
Charming and sweet
Kind in a way
That one seldom meets.
Their eyes all a twinkle
They give me a wink
I blush at the thoughts
They cause me to think.
I know some faeries
Playful and fun
It got me to wondering
If you might be one?
Afterwards, he lay the completed work outside their circle and went
back to bed and sleep.
So what is the point of this? The point is, dearest, that unlike
some magicians who try to compel demons to fulfill their commands,
we elves are served by willing spirits and while they do this out
of the kindness of their hearts and their love for us as kindred,
it is still good to remember that they need energy, too, have wishes
and desires of their own, have their own destiny and fates (the
word fairy often been said to be derived from the Latin word fata
or fate), and deserve what rewards we can give them. Thanks is always
appreciated, but parties and celebrations seldom go amiss. Remember
your household spirits, dear kin, and they in their turn shall not
forget you.
The Silver Elves