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The Dragons were great creative powers that came to earth to prepare it for the evolutionary cycle of conscious manifestation. For millions of years, they wandered the earth in the form of etheric dinosaurs as the earth came closer to the point when spirit and matter would be married. When their job was completed, the most of them departed forth with. Some however, born of their intermingling with earth substance were priviledged to descend into earthly consciousness as physical dinosuars and have evolved into human and avian form. In due time, they will earn the right to aid in the creation of other forms on other globes in new cycles of manifestation yet to come.
Many dragons in human form share a common desire, hunger and sometimes arrogance concerning power. This is a great weakness for them and until they are able to overcome it, they will never be allowed true power... which is to say, spiritual rather than mundane power. Alas, we all have our lessons to learn. Otherwise, most of us would not be involved in our current reincarnative cycle. This is true of elves as well as dragons.

There are three ways you can go from here...
Or if you're feeling a bit crazy and just can't help yours'elf saving the world...

If you like to go out in disguise...
If you like to stay near home and help out...
Last revised on February 11, 2012
all rights reserved by Silver Elves © 2002